阴郁的日子<br> 人人都有烦恼的日子。在这样的日子里,我们满怀仇怨、脾气暴躁、寂寞难耐、精神委靡,也会自惭形秽、自怨自艾,甚至乱作一团。于是我们就很难重振旗鼓,开始新生活。郁闷的日子里,我们可能变得偏执,认为自己成了所有人的攻击对象(事实上,情况一般不是这样);我们会感到异常失望或万分焦虑,甚至会神经质地咬指甲,疯狂地吞下三大块巧克力蛋糕!痛苦的日子里,我们沉浸于悲伤的海洋,随时都会不知缘由地泪流满面。最终,我们就会觉得活着毫无意义,不知道还能坚持多久,有时就想大吼,“来,给我一枪吧!”其实就那么一点小事,足足可以让我们郁闷一天。也许,我们忽略了自身的优点,倒是发现额头平添了几条皱纹,体重增加了几斤,或鼻子上多长了粉刺;也许,约会对象的名字也忘了,那张滑稽的照片也登出来了;也许,被人抛弃,离婚,被老板解雇,当众出丑,被难听的绰号折磨得身心憔悴,或是因那天的发型糟糕透顶;也许,因不堪工作之苦,成为别人的笑柄;也许,身肩重任,老板却百般刁难,同事苦苦相讥;也许,我们头疼欲裂,口臭,牙疼,吹牛皮,唇干舌燥,指甲长到肉里。不论什么原因,我们都认为,有人厌恶着我们。哦,怎么办呢,怎么办?<br> 也许,像大多数人一样,我们会认为事情自有解决之道。结果呢,后半辈子我们都在回望昨日,期待着往事重演。最后呢,我们变得狂暴,愤世嫉俗,令人同情。最终深感绝望,于是乞求上帝收回我们的生命,或是整日沉浸在比利·乔的蓝调音乐中。这种心态岂不疯狂?要知道,年轻只有一次,年老也如此。我们又将有什么奇遇,谁能预料到呢?<br> The Blue Dav<br> Everybody has blue days. These are miserable days when you feel lousy,grumpy, lonely and utterly exhausted. Days when you feel small and insignificant,when everything seems just out of reach. You cant rise to the occasion. Just getting started seems impossible. On blue days you can become paranoid that everyone is outto get you. (This is not always such a bad thing.) You feel frustrated and anxious, which can induce a nail-biting frenzy that can escalate into a triple-chocolate-mud-cake-eating frenzy in a blink of an eye! On blue days you feel like youre floating in an ocean of sadness. Youre about to burst into tears at any moment and you dont even know why. Ultimately, you feel like you are wandering through life without purpose. Youre not sure how much longer you can hang on and you feel like shouting, "Will someone please shoot me! " It doesnt take much to bring on a blueday. You might just wake up not feeling or looking your best, find some new wrinkles, put on a little weight, or get a huge pimple on your nose. You could forget your dates name or have an embarrassing photograph published. You might get dumped, divorced, or fired, make fool of yourself in public, be afflicted with a demeaning nickname, or just have a plain old bad-hair day. Maybe work is a pain in the but. Youre under major pressure to fill someone elses shoes, your boss is picking on you, and everyone in the office is driving you crazy. You might have a splitting headache, or a slipped disk, bad breath, a toothache, chronic gas, dry lips, or an ingrown toenail. Whatever the reason, youre convinced that someone up there doesnt like you. Oh what to do, what to do?<br> Well, if youre like most people, youll hide behind a flimsy belief that everything will sort itself out. Then you will spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder, waiting for everything to go wrong all over again. All the while becoming crusty and cynical or a pathetic, sniveling victim.