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Chapter One  Introduction
1.1  Rationale of the Studv
1.1.1 An Urgent Need for Discourse Anlysis
1.1.2 The Importance of Legal Discourse
1.1.3 A Need for Research of Legislative Discourse
1.2 Aims of the Present Study
1.3 Research Methodology and Data Collection
1.4 Organization of the Dissertation
Chapter Two  Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Discourse Analysis(DA)
2.2.1 The Philosophical Origins of Discourse Analysis
2.2.2 Contributions of Linguists to DA
2.2.3 Three Strategies of Discourse Analysis(DA)
2.3 Critical Discourse Analysis(CDA)
2.3.1 Introduction to CDA
2.3.2 Three Major Issues of CDA
2.3.3 Approaches to CDA
2.3.4 Limitations in CDA
2.4 A Systemic Functional Approach to DA
2.5 Legal Discourse Analysis
2.5.1 Studies in Legal Language-as-object
2.5.2 Studies in Language-as-process
2.5.3 Studies in legal language-as-instrument
2.5.4 Current Domestic Research on Legal Discourse
2.5.5 Analysis of Legislative Discourse of the Present Dissertation
2.6 Summary
Chapter Three  Theoraical Framewedk of the Preset Research
3.1  Introduction
3.2 Evaluation of Thompson’S Methodological Framework
3.2.1 Strengths of Thompson’S Framework
3.2.2 Limitations of Thompson’S Framework
3.3 Evaluation of the Hallidayan Model
3.3.1 Strengths of the Hallidayan Model
3.3.2 LimitatioUS of SFG
3.4 A Critical-Functional Framework
3.5 Data Collection
3.6 Summary
Chapter Four  The Power of Legislative Discourse in Contexts of Cdture&Situation
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Power in Context of Culture of Legislative Discourse
4.2.1 Concept of Context of Culture
4.2.2 Genre
4.2.3 Spacio-temporal Settings of Legislative Discourse
4.2.4 Schematic Structure and Analysis of Its Ideology in Legislative Discourse
4.2.5 The Power in Realizational Patterns
4.3 Analysis of Situational Context
4.3.1 Power in Fields of Interaction&Social Institutions
4.3.2 Power in Social Structure
4.3.3 Power in Technical Transmission Media
4.4 Summary
Chapter Five  Power in the Ideational Function
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The Power of Logical Function in Legislative Discourse
5.2.1 The Concept of Logical Function
5.2.2 The History of the Development of Logical Progression of Statutes
5.2.3 Analysis of Logical Structure of the Statutes
5.2.4 Power in Logical Function of Legislative Discourse.
5.3 The Power of Experiential Function
5.3.1 Processes in the Legislative Discourse
5.3.2 Circumstances in Experiential Function
5.3.3 Experiential Metaphor(Grammatical Metaphor)
5.4 Summary
Chapter Six  Power in the Interpersonal Function
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The Definition of Interpersonal Function
6.3 Modality in Legislative Discourse
6.4 Participants in the Legislative Discourses
6.5 Summary
Chapter Seven Textual Function of Legislative Discourse
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Textual Function
7.3 Thematic Structure in Legislative Discourse
7.3.1 Theme Types
7.3.2 The Pattern of Thematic Progression of Legislative Discourse
7.4 Power in Information Structure
7.5 Cohesion System
7.6 Summary
Chapter Eight  Vagueness in Lexicon
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Vagueness in Legislative Discourse
8.2.1 The Tension Between Vagueness and Precision
8.2.2 Ineliminability of Vagueness
8.2.3 Vagueness as a Defect in Legislative Discourse
8.3 Other Characteristics of Lexicon in Legislative Discourse
8.4 Summary
Chapter Nine  Interpretation of Legislative Discourse
9.1 Introduction
9.2 The Concept of“Interpretation”
9.2.1 The Interpretation Theory of Ideology
9.2.2 Some Critical Legal Theories on Interpretation of Power
9.3 The Nature of Legislative Discourse
9.4 Functions of Law
9.4.1 Regulating Society
9.4.2 Balancing Interests
9.4.3 Educational Function
9.4.4 Adjusting Economy
9.4.5 Maintaining Historical Continuity and Consistency of Doctrine
9.5 Analyzing the Ideology in Legislative Discourse
9.5.1 The Sovereign Power of the State
9.5.2 The Inequality Between Legal Professionals and Laylmen
9.5.3 The Real Inequality Behind the Superficial Equality in Legislature
9.5.4 The Arbitrary Use of power-a tendency
9.6 The Interactive Relationship Between Language and Power
9.6.1 Language Has Power
9.6.2 Power Selects Language
9.7 Summary
Chapter Ten  Conclusion
10.1 Major Conclusions of the Present Study
10.2 Contributions of the Current Research
10.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research
Appendix I-X

