1.From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicageo,to his son,Pierrepint,at Harvard University,Cambridge,Mass
2.From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicageo,to his son,Pierrepint,at Harvard University.
3.From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicageo,to his son,Pierrepint,at Harvard University.
4.From John Graham,head of the house of Graham & Co.,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago, to his son,Pierrepont Graham,at the Waldorf-Astoria,in New York.
5.From John Graham,head of the house of Graham & Co.,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago, to his son,Pierrepont Graham,at Lake Moosgatchemawamuc,in the Maine woods.
6.From John Graham,en route to Texas,to Pierrepont Graham,care of Graham & Co.,Union Stock Yards,Chicago.
7.From John Graham,at the Omaha Branch of Graham & Co.,to Pierrepont Graham,at the Union Stock Yards,Chicago.
8.From John Graham,at Hot Springs,Arkansas,to his son,Pierrepint,at the Union Stock Yards,Chicago.
9.From John Graham,at Hot Springs,Arkansas,to his son,Pierrepint,at the Union Stock Yards,Chicago.
10.From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepint,at the Commercial House,Jeffersonville,Indiana.
11.From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepint,at The Planters Palace Hotel,at Big Gap,Kentucky.
12.From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepint,at Little Delmonicos,Piairie Centre,Indiana.
13.From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepint,care of The Hoosier Grocery Co.,Indianapolis,Indiana.
14.From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepint,at The TravelersRest,New Albany,Indiana.
15.From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepint,at The Scrub Oaks,Spring Lake,Michigan.
16.From John Graham,at the Schweitzerkasenhof,Karlsbad,Austria,to his son,Pierrepont,at the Union Stock Yards,Chicago.
17.From John Graham,at the London House of Graham & Co.,to his son,Pierrepont,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago.
18.From John Graham,at the London House of Graham & Co.,to his son,Pierrepont,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago.
19.From John Graham,at the New Youk House of Graham & Co.,to his son,Pierrepont,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago.
20.From John Graham,at the Boston House of Graham & Co.,to his son,Pierrepont,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago.
乔治贺瑞斯洛里默(1867-1937),美国著名作家和编辑。出生于肯塔基 州的路易维尔,毕业于耶鲁大学。1899年出任美国《星期六晚邮报》(The Saturday Evening Post)主编,在担任主编的37年间,他把《星期六晚邮报》 缔造成为美国当时最具影响力的杂志品牌。
《美国百年畅销精选·成功类:白手起家的商人给儿子的信(英文全本)》是1903年美国畅销书榜上榜作品。虽然时隔百年,然而书中讲述的 年轻人做人的道理和行为准则在今天仍然适用。关于青年人应接受哪些必须 的教育,如何完成人生的三大积累——常识、谨慎和良心,怎样让知识学有 所用等,都可以在《美国百年畅销精选·成功类:白手起家的商人给儿子的信(英文全本)》中得到启发。