1 the world of world music
reading skill:summarizing
2 oases in space
reading skill:understanding literal and figurative meanings
3 j-ball
reading skill:understanding chronological order
4 urban legends
reading skill:scanning
5 the name came
reading skill:understanding examples and essay development
6 mastering the law of gravity
reading skill:making lnferences
7 smart cars lntelligent highways
reading skill:understanding the author s viewpoint and tone
8 the ups and downs of yo-yos
reading skill:understanding reference words
9 did the chinese disccsccver america
reading skill:charting ldeas
10 globalization and antiglobalization
reading skill:understanding conasting ldeas
11 vanishing languages
reading skill:understanding quotations
12 internet milestones
reading skill:understanding and writing paraphrases
13 angkor wat
reading skill:scanning2
14 what happened at roswell?
reading skill:vocabulary from context
vocabulary lndex
reading skills chart
answer keys,audio scripts,and puzzle solutions:units 1-14
quizzes:units 1-14
answer key:quizzes