(d) pay the amount due on settlement day;
(e) arrange for the transfer of ownership to be entered inthe share register
of the company concerned, and for them to is-sue a new share certificate.
(2) Jobbers. It is jobbers who make the market in shares bytheir willingness
ither to buy or to sell at any time. Jobbers takeup positions o,n the floor of the Exchange in informal groups spe-cializing in certain kinds of shares, and when approached by abroker each member of the group quotes a double price, one orbuying
and one for selling, before being told which he may becalled upon to do. He aturally hopes to make a profit out of thedifference between these prices, called the “jobbers turn”,butthere is no guarantee that he will do so. A jobber who misjudgesthe trend of the market and puts his prices too high will onlymake bargains with brokers wishing to sell, whereas one whopitches his prices too low will only attract buying brokers; as hewants to finish the account period with buying and selling con-tracts in balance, he may well have to adjust his prices so
that inthe end he is forced to sell shares for less than he agreed to payfor them,
or buy in shares for more than he contracted to sell
Tbere are now approximately 3 500 members of the StockExchange, of whom bout 500 are jobbers organized into no morethan about 30 firms. The marked ontraction in the number ofjobbing firms in recent years reflects the growing difficulty of raising sufficient capital to finance their operations. For the same reason, the Stock Exchange Council is now prepared to abandon ite traditional rulethat no firm should seek the protection of limited liability for its members.[4]
Stock exchange council
Finally,one of the most useful functions performed by the Stock Exchange is the general supervision which the Council ex—ercises over the business ethics of quoted companies. In many wavs the council’S code of conduct is more exacting than company laW itself。and any breach of its rules would be penal—ized by the withdrawal of quotation rights.[5]
注 释
[1] the Stock Excha“g——证券交易所。西方国家的证券交易所多为以会员协会形式成立的非营利机构。它只限于会员参与证券买卖。会员可分为经纪人和自营商两种。前者是代客买卖·收取佣金,后者是自行买卖·
[2]The existence……provision of capital·
[4]For the same……its members.
[5]any breach……rights.