Chapter One
Commit to Truth and Strive for a Bright Future
Section I Chen Wangdao
-The taste of truth is very sweet
Section II Zhang Tailei
-“Thunderstorm”of China's revolution
Chapter Two
Stay Committed to Truth and Ideals
Section I The Chen Brothers
-At the end of Yanqiao Road is Prosperity Avenue
Section II Fang Zhimin
-The enemy can only chop off our heads,but they can nevershake our faith
Chapter Three
Hold onto Ideals and Safeguard the Country
Section I Wei Deyou
-A devoted follower of the Party
Section II Wang Shumao
-A role model in safeguarding China's maritime rights and interests
Chapter Four
Uphold Truth and March Forward Courageously
Section I Hu Fuming
-Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth
Section II Xiaogang Village
-Birthplace of China's rural reform
Chapter Five
Uphold Truth and Scrupulously Honor Our Duties
Section I Huang Dafa
-The man who dug 36 years of water
Section II Wu Mengchao
-It would be my greatest happiness if I could work at the operatingtable until my dying day