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中国海藻志 第2卷 红藻门 第4册(英文版)
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《中国海藻志 第2卷 红藻门 第4册(英文版)》记述了我国海产红藻门真红藻纲中的三个目—孢石藻目、珊瑚藻目和无节珊瑚藻目,包括4科,9亚科,16属53种,每个物种均有形态和构造描述、产地、习性和分布,并附有绘制线图及显微照相构造图106幅,外形图版5面。本册在中文版本内容基础上,吸收*新研究成果,采用国际*新分类系统编排。与中文版相比,增加了2目,2科,3亚科共7个分类单元,对每个新增分类单元进行了形态学描述;修订分目、分科、分属检索表13个,将原来的17属55种修订为16属53种。《中国海藻志 第2卷 红藻门 第4册(英文版)》以英文形式出版,可将我国珊瑚藻分类学研究成果推向世界。

Sporolithales Le Gall et G.W.Saunders Le Gall et al., 2010
  See family Sporolithaceae for detail. Tetrasporangia are singly located in calci.ed compartments and cruciately divided. A central fusion cell is absent in the carposporangial conceptacles. Thalli possess one-to two-celled short .laments bearing terminal carposporangium with oblong carposporangia (Modi.ed from Bahia et al. 2015).
  Sporolithaceae Verheij Verheij, 1993
  Thalli non-geniculate, mostly calci.ed, crustose to warty, lumpy or fruticose; epiphytic and partially to completely attached to substrate, or unattached and free living; structure pseudoparenchymatous, dorsiventral in crustose portions but radial in protuberant branches; construction monomerous. Cells of adjacent .laments usually joined by cell fusions or secondary pit-connections.
  Life history with isomorphic gametophyte and tetrasporophyte generations and a heteromorphic carposporophyte generation. Vegetative reproduction by thallus fragmentation. Gametangia and carposporangia borne in uniporate conceptacles; tetrasporangia borne in the calci.ed compartments which are formed in solitary or aggregated into sori, and may have developed from the cell walls of tetrasporangial initials; cruciately divided, bisporangia unknown (Modi.ed from Womersley 1996).
  Type genus: Sporolithon Heydrich.
  Sporolithon Heydrich Heydrich, 1897a
  Thalli encrusting to warty, lumpy or fruticose; attached or free living; construction monomerous, .laments curved toward thallus surface (plumose anatomy). The outermost cell wall of epithallial cells usually .attened and .ared. Cells of adjacent .laments often fused, sometimes with secondary pit-connections, but not common. Heterocysts or trichocytes lacking. Gametangia and carposporangia borne in uniporate conceptacles; tetrasporangia borne in calci.ed compartments that may be solitary or aggregated into sori, each tetrasporangia or bisporangia produced an apical plug; tetrasporangia cruciately divided, bisporangia rare (Modi.ed from Womersley 1996).
  Type species: Sporolithon ptychoides Heydrich.
  1. Sporolithon erythraeum (Rothpletz) Kylin Figs. 1-2
  Sporolithon erythraeum (Rothpletz) Kylin 1956, p. 205; Dawson 1960, p. 41; Cabioch 1972, p. 217, text-.g. 29a, p1. 1X, .g. 2; Womersley and Bailey 1970, p. 308; Silva et al. 1996, p. 276; Xia et al. 2013, p. 2.
  Lithothamnion erythraeum Rothpletz 1893, p. 5.
  Lithothamnium erythraeum (Rothpletz) Foslie 1900a, p. 8; 1904 (in Weber-van Bosse and Foslie), p. 38, p1s. V-VI; 1909, p. 4; Lemoine 1911, p. 67, text-.gs. 28–29, p1. 1, .g. 1; Johnson 1963, p. 178, 179, 181, 184, 192, 205, 206, p1. 28. .gures 1–10.
  Archaeolithothamnion erythraeum (Rothpletz) Foslie 1900c, p. 8; Zhou and Zhang 1987, p. 115, p1. I, .g. 1–6.
  Sporolithon ptychoides Heydrich 1897a, p. 67, .gs. 2–3; Denizot 1968, p. 207, .gs. 170–171.
  Fig. 1 Sporolithon erythraeum (Rothpletz) Kylin (AST75-837) 1. Longitudinal section of partial perithallium; 2. Cells of adjacent .laments showing cell fusions; 3. Longitudinal section of partial hypothallial cells; 4. Longitudinal section of partial epithallial cells; 5. Longitudinal section of part of a frond, showing the sporangial sori; 6. Tetrasporangia.
  Fig. 2 Sporolithon erythraeum (Rothpletz) Kylin (AST75-837)
  1. Longitudinal section of part of a frond, showing the sporangial sori; 2. Longitudinal section of partial epithallial and perithallial cells; 3. Longitudinal section of a tetrasporangial compartment; 4. Cells of adjacent .laments showing cell fusions.
  Type locality: Red Sea.
  Thalli crustose, greenish yellow, slightly yellowish purple, gray-purplish red or cement color on drying; the color of living fronds often varied as to the degree of exposure to sunlight, usually dark purple or reddish brown in shaded areas. Thalli up to 12 cm in diameter or larger, with rather dense protuberances or round protruding branches, usually simple, or occasionally 1–2 times branched, protruding branches 3–8(–11) mm high, 2–8(–11) mm in diameter, mature crustose parts usually with protruding branches, surface smooth.
  In longitudinal section of thallus, basal hypothallium composed of ca. 10 layers of rectangular cells, 13–36 μm long, 6–11 μm in diameter. Perithallial cells arranged more compactly, mostly subsquarish, 7–8 μm in diameter, or rectangular, (10–) 13–18(-20) μm high, and 5–8(–10) μm wide; adjacent .laments joined by cell fusions. Epithallium unistratose, cells 6–9 μm wide, 3–5 μm high.
  Sporangial sori arranged in layers within thallus, (65–)75–90 μm high, 20–40 μm in diameter, sporangia tetrad, mostly cruciately divided and rarely zonately divided, (42–) 52–72 μm high, (18–)20–36 μm wide. Gametangial conceptacles not found.
  Habitat: Growing on the rocks or corallites in the mid-low intertidal zones, often in calm areas with less wave exposures and with shades afforded by large algae or other substances.
  Distribution in China: Hainan Province (Hainan Is

Sporolithales Le Gall et G.W.Saunders 1
Sporolithaceae Verheij 1
Sporolithon Heydrich 1
1. Sporolithon erythraeum1
Corallinales Silva et Johansen 4
Corallinaceae Lamouroux 4
Chamberlainoideae Caragnano, Foetisch, Maneveldt & Payri5
Pneophyllum Kützing 5
2. Pneophyllum fragile 6
3. Pneophyllum zostericola 7
Corallinoideae (Areschoug) Foslie10
Corallina Linnaeus 10
4. Corallina aberrans 11
5. Corallina crassissima 13
6. Corallina maxima 15
7. Corallina officinalis15
8. Corallina pilulifera 18
Jania Lamouroux 20
9. Jania acutiloba 21
10. Jania adhaerens23
11. Jania capillacea25
12. Jania radiata 27
13. Jania rubens 29
14. Jania ungulata31
14a. Jania ungulata f. brevior 32
15. Jania verrucosa 33
Hydrolithaceae R.A.Townsend & Huisman 36
Hydrolithoideae A.Kato et M.Baba37
Hydrolithon Foslie37
16. Hydrolithon boergesenii 37
17. Hydrolithon farinosum 39
Lithophyllaceae Athanasiadis41
Lithophylloideae Setchell 42
Amphiroa Lamouroux 42
18. Amphiroa anastomosans 43
Marine Algal Flora of China
19. Amphiroa anceps 45
20. Amphiroa beauvoisii 47
21. Amphiroa ephedraea 50
22. Amphiroa foliacea 51
23. Amphiroa fragilissima 54
23a. Amphiroa fragilissima f. fragilissima 56
23b. Amphiroa fragilissima f. cyathifera56
24. Amphiroa pusilla 58
25. Amphiroa rigida 59
26. Amphiroa valonioides 60
Lithophyllum Philippi 61
27. Lithophyllum corallinae 61
28. Lithophyllum kotschyanum 64
29. Lithophyllum okamurae66
30. Lithophyllum pygmaeum 68
31. Lithophyllum yessoense70
32. Lithophyllum sp 72
Mastophoraceae R.A.Townsend & Huisman 74
Mastophoroideae Setchell 74
Mastophora Decaisne 74
33. Mastophora pacifica 75
34. Mastophora rosea 77
Porolithaceae R.A.Townsend & Huisman 79
Floiophycoideae R.A.Townsend & Huisman 79
Dawsoniolithon Caragnano, Foetisch, Maneveldt & Payri 79
35. Dawsoniolithon conicum80
Metagoniolithoideae (H. W. Johansen) emendavit A. R.sler, F. Perfectti, V. Pe.a et J. C. Braga 82
Harveylithon A. R.sler, F. Perfectti, V. Pe.a et J. C. Braga 82
36. Harveylithon samo.nse 83
PorolithoideaeA. Kato et Baba 84
Porolithon Foslie84
37. Porolithon onkodes 84
Spongitaceae Kützing 86
Neogoniolithoideae A. Kato et M. Baba 87
Neogoniolithon Setchell et L. R. Mason 87
38. Neogoniolithon accretum 87
39. Neogoniolithon brassica-florida 90
40. Neogoniolithon megalocystum 92
41. Neogoniolithon setchellii94
42. Neogoniolithon trichotomum96
43. Neogoniolithon variabile98
Spongites Kützing 100
44. Spongites yendoi 101
Hapalidiales W. A. Nelson, J. E. Sutherland, T. J. Farr et H. S. Yoon 104
Hapalidiaceae J.E. Gray 104
Melobesioideae Bizzozero 104
Lithothamnion Heydrich 105
45. Lithothamnion intermedium 105
46. Lithothamnion japonica 107
47. Lithothamnion phymatodeum 110
Phymatolithon Foslie 112
48. Phymatolithon lenormandii 113
49. Phymatolithon repandum 113
Melyvonnea Athanasiadis & D.L.Ballantine 115
50. Melyvonnea erubescens 116
Mesophyllum Lemoine 117
51. Mesophyllum crassiusculum 118
52. Mesophyllum mesomorphum 119
53. Mesophyllum simulans 121
53a. Mesophyllum simulans f. typica 122
53b. Mesophyllum simulans f. crispescens 122
References 124
Index 132

