Introduction: Revisiting the Colonial Social and Economic History
of Zimbabwe
Gender and the Colonial Labour Market: Women Clerks in the Public Service
of Rhodesia, 1939 – 1960s
Water and Power at Play: the Federal Power Board and the Politics of
Hydro-Electricity on the Kariba Dam, 1950s to 1960s
Labour History of African Municipal Workers in Colonial Harare:
Agrarian Capitalism and Labour Dynamics in Rhodesian Coffee Plantations
C. 1900-1980
Colonial Zimbabwe and Technical Training: White Miner's Training
Institutions in Historical Perspective, 1923 – 1948
Meteorological Services and Settler Agricultural Development: the Case of
the Meteorological Service Department in Southern Rhodesia, 1897 – 1945
Southern Rhodesia and the Commissioner of Taxes Department During UDI:
Reform and Transformation in A 'Cordoned' Economy, 1964 - 1979
State and Drought Management in the Matabeleland Region of Southern
Rhodesia: the Case of the 1960 Drought
Profit Versus Pragmatism: Foot and Mouth Disease and Southern Rhodesia's
Cattle Industry, 1930s – 1940s
Norton Industrial town and the Development of Road Infrastructure in
Southern Rhodesia, 1923 to 1965
Revisiting Post-World War II Industrialization in Southern Rhodesia: the
Industrial Development Commission 1945 – 1949
Understanding the 1947 Tripartite Labour Agreement: Central African
Labour History From 1946 to 1948 in Relation to Southern Rhodesia
Labour Needs
Book Review: A. S Mlambo, E.S Pangeti, I. Phimister, Zimbabwe: A
History of Manufacturing, 1890 – 1995, University of Zimbabwe, 2000