Yes. If a candidate doesn't need the whole minute, s/he can begin speakingwhen s/he is ready. It is advisable, though, for candidates to make full use of thepreparation time. After all, giving answers in advance won't impress examiner somuch that he/she gives the candidate a high score.
How long should the candidate talk for in Part 2?
Every candidate is given the opportunity to talk for 2 minutes. S/He shouldaim to talk for the full 2 minutes to provide the examiner with a good sample oflanguage for rating.
What should a candidate do if s/he doesn't understand a question orthe Part 2 task?
The candidate should tell the examiner. S/He should say s/he doesn'tunderstand. In Part 1 or 2 the examiner will be able to repeat the question. InPart 2 the candidate should look carefully at the task card because the promptsmay help them guess the meaning of a word they have not understood. In Part3 the examiner will be able to reformulate the question, or may be able to offerfurther clarification, depending on the particular difficulty.
老师,我买了你的书,就在考前的那个晚上, 读读背背《雅思口语多米诺》,我是4.21er, 口语得7~~谢谢美女老师,除了这么一本这么实用的书!// @小魔女陈湃:回复@桃子ai恋空:又一个得七的,恭喜!
成绩出来了, 总分7, 口语6.5. 说实话我用的出彩句型和单词几乎全是出自《雅思口语多米诺》。在此感谢湃湃老师。// @小魔女陈湃:回复@张猩猩:恭喜呀,口语6.5真的挺难的, 但《雅思口语多米诺》用好了,一切皆有可能~~
湃湃,我2月2号考的, 口语6。 一个月前第1次考雅思的时候, 口语4.5。那一个月狂背你的《雅思口语多米诺》,一个月口语从4.5到6。你的多米诺见证了奇迹,谢谢湃湃老师~~ // @小魔女陈湃:回复 @black_blackheart:《雅思口语多米诺》只是帮到了你, 你自己的努力是最重要的。