博鳌亚洲论坛理事长 联合国第八任秘书长 潘基文
Talk with Ban Ki-moon
Chairman of Boao Forum for Asia and the 8th Secretary-General of United Nations
采访日期:2019 年4 月1 日
Date of Interview: 1st April 2019
The subject of the Korean Peninsula has been of great importance to Ban Kimoon during his political and diplomatic career. Before his tenure at the UN, he headed the South Korean delegation at the Six-Party Talks, in his role as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade. In the next decade, as Secretary-General of the UN, one of his work priorities was to push for the progress of peace in the peninsula. On several occasions, he tried to make the journey to Pyongyang to meet with the North Korean leader. I have interviewed Chairman Ban three times in the past five years, in different cities and on different occasions, and this is the subject that we always talk about. The following extract is taken from our most recent meeting, which took place during his third visit to the Phoenix International Media Center, at the invitation of the Chairman of the Phoenix Satellite Television JP Liu Changle.
Xiaotian: What do you think could be the best solution to the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula? Have you viewed the situation differently in your roles as UN Secretary-General, as Foreign Minister of South Korea, and now as chairman of a number of international organizations and committees?
潘基文:朝鲜核问题刚刚暴露之初,我就是谈判者之一,直接与朝方打交道,以实现朝鲜半岛无核化。1991 年,我参与了《关于朝鲜半岛无核化共同宣言》的发布。这是一份有历史意义的宣言,由韩国和朝鲜商定,于1992 年2 月生效。此后,韩国和朝鲜都成立了联合核控制委员会,通过相互检查——非常严格的检查,以确保没有核武器和核计划。可真正到检查的时候,朝方却反悔了。他们关上门,取消了所有进程。于是,形势陷入僵局,危机出现了。朝鲜核武器和核计划问题浮出水面,成为了全球安全关切之一。对此我一直感到非常担心。28 年了,朝鲜的立场一直没变,直至今日。
Ban Ki-moon: Since the very beginning, when the North Korean nuclear issue was revealed, I was one of the negotiators, directly dealing with North Koreans to realize the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. In 1991, I participated in adopting the joint declaration on Korean denuclearization. This was a very historic declaration, agreed upon between South and North Korea, and it came into effect in February 1992. After that, both South and North Korea established a joint nuclear controlling commission, to make sure that there will be no nuclear weapons and programs through mutual inspection, a challenging inspection. But at the very stage of actual inspection, you know what, the
North Koreans back dropped. They shut the door. They cancelled the whole process. That was the beginning of the real danger; a security danger where North Korean nuclear weapons and programs surfaced as one of the global security issues. I am very much worried and concerned. During the last 28 years, North Korea has been taking the same position without changing until today.
Xiaotian : Is the signing of a peace treaty, or the declaration of cessation of war between South and North Korea, out of the question before total denuclearization?
Ban Ki-moon: A declaration of cessation of a war can be done. It is an agenda which President Moon and the South Korean government are seriously and favorably considering at this moment. But there must be some confidence building measures. Confidence between South and North Korea, and between the United States and North Korea, has not been built yet – as we have seen in the failure of the Hanoi summit between North Korea and the United States.
Xiaotian: When it really does come to the stage of signing a peace treaty and an end
of war declaration, which parties should be involved?
Ban Ki-moon: There have been some discussions on this matter. The directly
concerned parties are South and North Korea.
Xiaotian : But when we think of the armistices…
Ban Ki-moon: The armistices were signed by the United States, representing the United Nations, and China is also one of the signatories. Therefore, to my mind, it would be desirable to have four parties. South and North Korea, the United States and China can declare a cessation of a war on the Korean Peninsula.
The issue of denuclearization of the peninsula is naturally a complex one. To simplify it, I always suggest my audience understand it from the following aspects. The first is the scope of denuclearization. When South Korea and the United States talk about denuclearization, they refer to the denuclearization of DPRK, but in the eyes of DPRK, it should be of the entire peninsula, so all constraints and inspections must be two-way. The second aspect is the pace; should this follow a step-by-step synchronized approach, or should it aim to get everything in place in one go? In the eyes of the United States and the international community, North Korea’s development of nuclear facilities violates UN Security Council resolutions and must be stopped immediately. But to North Korea, the two countries are now in a state of truce rather than peace. Giving up its nuclear capability is like disarming itself, especially when the US-South Korean military exercises still regularly happen on its doorstep. The third aspect relates to post-war security for South Korea. Should the United States Forces Korea and the United Nations Command stay or leave, and on what terms? These are the key issues, but unfortunately there is still quite a long way to go before agreement can be reached.
Thanks a lot for this opportunity to discuss about the global challenges. I admire Chinese contributions for global peace, development and harmony. Let us work together to make this world better for all!!!
Ki-moon Ban
8th Secretary General, United Nations
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冰岛外交部长 格维兹勒于尔·索尔·索尔达松
博鳌亚洲论坛理事长 联合国第八任秘书长 潘基文
国际奥委会主席 托马斯·巴赫
国际货币基金组织总裁 克里斯蒂娜·拉加德
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