That sounds more like a threat than a promise to critics who think U. S.Healthcare has earned higher marks as a penny pincher than as an efficienthealth-care crusader. U.S. Healthcare spends about 75 cents of every dollar inpremiums on medical care, compared with the 81 cents averaged by managed-care plans in general and the 85 cents spent by Aetna specifically. That meansthat 14. 5 cents of every U.S. Healthcare dollar goes to administration and 10. 5cents goes to profit —— an interesting contrast with the 2 cents of every Medicare dollar that goes to administrative costs. A study of U.S. Healthcare and 11 othercommercial HMOS by the office of the New York public advocate concluded,Thehigher percentage spent on administration was contrary to the expectation that theindustry's dramatic member growth should produce greater economies of scale.