Food safety dilemma
Step1 译知半解——边看边听
近日热播的纪录片《舌尖上的中国》令中国人胃口大开。中华美食中新鲜的食材,精美的菜式,复杂精细的烹制过程以及饮食传统的多样性都令他们为之着迷。然而,一系列食品安全事件却令中华美食名声受损。专家表示,长期以来食品安全监管机制存在的缺陷正在摧毁公众对食品的信心。农业部的统计数据显示,中国每天消耗200多万吨的食品,这些食品来自于40多万家食品生产商,以及323万家相关企业。为了解决复杂的食品安全问题,2010年我国设立了国务院食品安全委会,由国务院副总理李克强出任主席。然而,现实情况是,在目前的食品安全监管体系下,涉及到六大部委的十几个部门均参与其中,直接负责监管从田间到餐桌的每一个环节。参与监管的机构越多,就越难有效地解决问题。在食品安全这个问题上,目前还没有明确的责任划分, 这使得有效监管很成问题。官员推卸责任的现象时有发生。同时问题也没有解决。
来自中国农业大学的朱毅副教授指出,设立单独的政府监管机构可以解决问题。他表示:“在英国和加拿大等国家,在食品安全监管方面实行独立管理已成为一种趋势,这样相关问题便可以得到快速解决。” 来自天津师范大学政治学与公共管理学院的李珊也主张有必要设立单独机构对整个食品生产链进行全面管理。李珊说:“或许,将各个政府部门合并成一个新的‘食品安全部’可以加大食品监管的力度。”
Step2 听译原文——边听边译
A recent documentary A Bite of China whetted the Chinese appetite.They are fascinated by fresh ingredients, delicate presentation, intricate cooking and diverse traditions of Chinese food.However, a series of food safety incidents
has damaged the country’s reputation for fine cuisine. Experts say that an insufficiency of institutional food safety supervision is harming the public’s faith in food.
Figures from the Ministry of Agriculture show China consumes over 2 million tons of food every day from over 400,000 food manufacturers, and 3.23 million related businesses. To tackle complicated problems concerning food safety, the State Council Food Safety Commission chaired by Vice-Premier LiKeqiang was set up in 2010. However, under the current framework of food safety supervision, more than a dozen departments are involved with six bureaus and ministries directly responsible for stages from farm to table. The more agencies involved, the less likely the problem will be solved efficiently. There is no clear cut division of responsibility for food safety, which makes effective supervision a problem. It is very common for officials to pass the buck. Meanwhile, the problems don’t go away.
Zhu Yi, associate professor at CAU, suggests a single government agency should tackle the problem: “It is a trend in food safety supervision to have a sole administration, such as in the UK and Canada, so that problems can be fixed swiftly.” Li Shan, of the Politics and Public Administration College of Tianjin Normal University, also advocates the need to have a single department covering the whole food production chain. “Maybe a new ‘ministry of food safety’ that brings various agencies into one administration can help boost the capacity for supervision”, said Li.