Tim Cook: Apple’s CEO Is No New Jobs
When Steve Jobs appeared at the Wall Street Journal’s annual All Things Digital conference, he’d always be himself: brilliant, insightful, and arrogant. Even when he was dissembling, which he frequently did in his interviews with the conference hosts Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher, his performances were captivating.
It was less so on Wednesday evening when Tim Cook, who became Apple’s CEO just before Jobs’ death last fall, took the stage in southern California1 . Cook is brilliant, and was plainly at ease in front of an array of tech industry luminaries and financiers. And I didn’t hear any outright lies. But with a few exceptions, during the 90-minute interview, his performance was a master class of evasion and cliché2 .
当去年秋天在乔布斯离世之前成为苹果总裁的蒂姆·库克周三晚上登台接受在南加州举行的数字化大会采访时,他的表现没有乔布斯那么明显。库克很有才华,在众多高新技术产业杰出人物和金融家面前表现得游刃有余。我并未听到任何明显的谎言。但也有一些例外,在90 分钟的采访中,他表现得就像一个满口陈词滥调的推托大师。
In its own way, though, the Cook interview was the most illuminating public appearance to date of one of the world’s most influential and powerful corporate heads. To those who have been watching, this may have been no surprise. But to a wider audience that will watch the video in months to come, Cook will come into clearer focus.
Cook has ample justification for his evident self-confidence. Under Jobs, his work as Apple’s chief operating officer—chiefly, in turning the supply chain into one of Apple’s most important competitive advantages—set a modern standard. Apple has gone from strength to strength, with stunning results generated primarily from the sale of its mobile devices, the iPad and iPhone. It’s possible that Apple could become the first company to be worth $1tn (though I think it’s unlikely).
库克有充足的理由表现得信心十足。在乔布斯的带领下,作为苹果首席营运官,他的工作——主要在于将供应链转变成苹果最重要的竞争优势之一的过程中——制定了现代标准。苹果越来越强大,主要从移动设备iPad 和 iPhone 的销售上取得了令人炫目的成绩。苹果很可能成为第一家市值一万亿美元的公司(尽管我认为这不太可能)。
The Apple CEO made it clear that he is not attempting to be a new Steve Jobs. Echoing material from Walter Isaacson’s authorized Jobs biography, published shortly after his death, Cook reminded the audience that his predecessor had insisted that he not run Apple in a “What would Steve do?” manner. Where Jobs largely succeeded in extending his famous “reality distortion field3” to cover this high-octane crowd, Cook plainly knew he could never accomplish the same effect.
苹果总裁明确表示,他并不打算成为一个新的史蒂夫·乔布斯。库克对《乔布斯传》中的内容作出回应,提醒观众说,他的前任曾坚持要他不应该以“史蒂夫会如何做” 的方式来经营苹果,这本书由乔布斯授权的作者沃尔特·艾萨克森所撰写,在乔布斯离世不久后出版。在乔布斯将其著名的“现实扭曲力场” 影响至富有活力的人群这一主要成功领域上,库克很清楚他永远不可能达到同样的成就。
Still, Cook certainly emulated several of Jobs’signal qualities at the conference. Asked about Apple’s penchant for secrecy, Cook said the company was “going to double-down4 on secrecy on (upcoming) products”, though he said the company will be more open about its supplier and environmental processes5 .
While it’s common for CEOs to recite talking points and little else in such circumstances, Cook went beyond that. He exuded disdain for the give-and-take6 of the interview format—again and again, ducking questions he considered inconvenient or heading into territory Apple considers a deep secret. And when Fortune magazine’s Adam Lashinsky, who wrote a smart book on Apple’s methods without any cooperation from the company7, asked Cook to describe his own best and worst qualities as a CEO, the response was a casual rebuff.
There were moments, though, when the audience got more substance. Apple recruited Cook back in 1998. Cook was deeply skeptical. But in his first meeting with Jobs, it took just five minutes before he was convinced to jettison a comfortable executive post at Compaq (later bought by Hewlett Packard) in order to join a then-struggling Apple. Jobs described a strategy—moving squarely into consumer electronics when other computer companies were racing toward the enterprise (large customers)—that was compelling.
但是,也有一些时候观众了解到了更多的实质内容。苹果1998 年曾向库克发出过聘请,当时库克深感怀疑。但在他和乔布斯的第一次会面中,仅用了5 分钟时间,他就被说服为了加入当时正挣扎求存的苹果而放弃了康柏(后来被惠普公司收购)舒适的高层管理职位。乔布斯当时描述了一种令人信服的战略—— 趁其他电脑公司还在面向企业(大型客户)竞争时,直接进入消费性电子产品。
When you’re following the herd8, Cook said, “you’re destined to be average, at best.” Seduced by Jobs’ ideas and uncompromising demand for excellence, “I decided to throw caution to the wind9 and do this.”
Apple’s small shifts under Cook have included a program whereby the company matches employees’ charitable contributions10, a big change from Jobs’ adamant (and, I believe, misguided) belief that corporations and philanthropy should not mix. He persuasively made the case11 that Apple’s new approach spreads the wealth more efficiently than the traditional corporate-giving model. He’d make an even better case if he let shareholders—the actual owners—do the same with some of the company’s billions in cash, though the new dividend program is useful in itself.
在库克领导下,苹果的细微变化包括为员工慈善捐款补贴的项目,这与乔布斯认为企业与慈善不应该混为一谈这一固执的看法(我认为是被误导了) 截然不同。他令人信服地证明了苹果的新做法在均财富方面较之传统的企业赠予模式更为有效。虽然这个新的分红计划本身非常有效,但他甚至更好地证明了如若让投资人—— 实际拥有者—— 用公司数十亿美元现金中的一部分做同样的事情,情况会更好。
What emerged, ultimately, from Cook’s appearance was what he undoubtedly intended to display: a man of supreme self-control, plus equally supreme confidence in the company’s future. Given the nature of such events, expecting anything deeper was probably wishful thinking. But when it was Jobs on the stage, however one felt about him, we did get more—much, much more.
库克的出场最终所表现出来的无疑就是他想展示的那一部分:极度律己的人,再加上对公司未来前景同等的自信。考虑到这些事件的性质,期待更进一步的内容很可能是痴心妄想。然而, 如果是乔布斯在台上的话,无论对他是什么样的感觉,我们确实能得到更多的东西——会多得多。
——《纽约时报》(The New York Times)
——《华盛顿邮报》(The Washington Post)
——《卫报》(The Guardian)
——《经济学人》(The Economist)
——《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Joural)
——《每日电讯报》(The Daily Telegraph)
——《泰晤士报》(THE TIMES)
——《今日美国》(USA TODAY)
——《每日邮报》(Daily Mail)
——《洛杉矶时报》(Los Angeles Times)
——《每日镜报》(Daily Mirror)
——《纽约客》(The New Yorker)