Chapter 1 Brief Introduction(概述篇)<br>1.1 Contents of the Exam(考试内容)<br>1.2 Ma rking C rite ria(考试评分等级)<br><br>Chapter 2 Skills and Strategies(战略战术篇)<br>2.1 Pre-listening听前(预读和预测)<br>2.2 WhIle-listening听时(边听边写)<br>P ronunciation and Sho rthand(语音和速记二到位)<br>Signal and Semantic Notes and Lexical Chain(信号/语义标记词和词汇链两兼顾)<br>2.3 Vocabulary repa ration(词汇准备)<br><br>Chapter 3 Queshion Types(实战题型题)<br>3.1 MuItipie Choices(选择题)<br>3.2 Completion(填空题)<br>3.3 Short-answer Questions(简答题)<br>3.4 Maps(图形题)<br>3.5 Matching(配对题)<br>3.6 Keys and Difficult Points(重点及难点解析)<br><br>Chapter 4 Module Tests(模拟训练篇)<br>ModuIe Test 1<br>ModuIe Test 2<br>Modu Je Test 3<br>ModuIe Test 4<br><br>Chapter 5 Appendixes(附表)<br>Appendix 1 Tapesc ripts and Keys(听力原文和答案)<br>Appendix 2 Vocabula ry in BE and AE(英美常用词汇对照表)<br>Appendix 3 Main Cities and Nations in English-speaking Count ries(英美国家常用地名)<br>Appendix 4 2009 Ve rsion Review(2009年考题版本回顾)