Under the Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act that went into effect May, 2007, cockfighting became an illegal sportthat pits fighting roosters against each other in battles to thedeath. Cockfighting typically involves gambling, carries a seriouspublic health risk, and often is the site of drug deals. Federal lawprohibiting the blood sport has been beefed up to make it a felony.<br> In one of the largest crackdowns on cockfighting in Northwes thistory, Federal agents joined state law enforcement off icersacross Oregon and Washington to arrest 51 people on variouscharges, including racketeering and drug trafficking over theweekend. About 50 guns, more than $100,000 in cash and atleast 700 roosters were seized during the arrests.<br> A federal grand jury issued 17 separate indictments that list 63people. The two-year investigation involved more than 500 federalagents.<br> ……