Normal WordsIn most cases, you can not find any special prints or numbers in the questionstatements. And sometimes, the capital letters which you want to search for mayappear many times in several different paragraphs especially when the special printsserve as the subject or the object of the question statement. In order to locate theoriginal information in the text for the question, you have to scan the passage forsome normal words which are more specific and detailed.Scanning for normal words is a bit more difficult than looking for numbers ornames, but if you practice you will be able to do it more quickly and efficiently.To decide for which word in the question you have to scanTo scan the text for a word is in order to locate the original information for thequestion. Not all of the words in the question statement can lead you to the location where the being tested original information is. So, just before the start of scanning, you have to analyze the question statement to make it clear that which word you have to search for.