technology, know-how, specifications, concepts, business studies, price lists,marketing and sales data disclosed by THE COMPANY TO THE EMPLOYEE, eitherin writing or other tangible forms, orally, electronically, through the supply ofsamples or in any other form whatsoever, shall be considered as confidential andproprietary information and shall be held and treated in the utmost and strictestconfidence bv the emDIovee.An employee shall not, except authorized or required by his/her duties, reveal toany person or persons or banks or companies any trade secrets, or confidentialoperations, processes or dealings or any information concerning the organization,business, finances, transactions or affairs of the Company or any of its customersof whom he/she shall have possessed during his/her employment and shall keepwith the complete secrecy all confidential information entrusted to him/her and shallnot use or attempt to use any such information in any manner which may injure orcause loss whether directly or indirectly to the Company or its business. Thisrestriction shall continue to apply after the termination of employment without limit inpoint of time.