Thermal energy can move in three ways. Conduction is thetransfer of heat when fast-moving particles hit slower-movingparticles. Think about what happens when you put a metalspoon in a cup of hot chocolate. The particles of the hot liquidbump into the spoon. Thermal energy moves directly from thehot drink to the spoon. The temperature of the spoon goes up.
Convection is the flow of heat from one place to anotherby movement in a liquid or a gas. You heat water in a pot. Thewater at the bottom of the pot heats up. The warm water rises,and cooler water takes its place. A circular movement of watergradually he.ats all the water in the pan.
Radiation~ is heat transfer in waves. Waves are movementsthat carry energy but not matter. When you are outside on asunny day, energy travels by radiation from the sun to your body.Some of this energy changes into thermal energy. You get warm.