1. Innovation in the Economy: Drive Economic Growth and Solve Na-tional Problems by Deploying a 21st Century Information Infrastructure.
The President believes that modernized infrastructure is a necessary partof the foundation for long term economic stability and prosperity. That ineludes everything from a comprehensive national broadband plan, to newhealth care information technology, to a modernized electrical framework.
The President has also directed the National Security and Homeland Se-curity Advisors to conduct an immediate review of the plan, programs, andactivities underway throughout the government dedicated to cyber security.This 60-day interagency review will develop a strategic framework to ensurethat U.S. Government cyber security initiatives are appropriately integrated,resourced and coordinateted with Congress and the private sector.
2. Innovation in Science: Invest in Science and Science Education:The President has named Dr. John Holdren, a nationally recognized expert on climate change and nuclear disarmament, as an Assistant to the President and the nations Science Advisor, and Dr. Steven Chu, Nobel-prize winner as the Secretary of Energy. These are just two of the many leading scienceexperts who are serving in an Administration committed to science.