The children sit in a circle. One child is "it". He walks around the circle. He pats each childon the head. He says, "Duck, duck, duck..." as he touches each child. When he says, "Goose!" the child he touches gets up and chases him around the circle.<br> The child who gets to the empty place first sits down. The other child is "it". Sometimes, the child he tagged catches the child who was "it". Then he has to sit in the "stink pot!" (the center of the circle). He cant get out until another child who is "it" gets caught and gets put into the stink pot. Little children love this game.<br> Seven-up<br> A game children like to play on rainy days at school is called "Seven-up". On rainy days, we cant go outside to play at recess time. Instead, the children sit at their desks. The teacher chooses even children to be "it". Then the teacher says, "Thumbs up." The children who are sitting down rest their faces on their folded arms so they cannot see. They make a fist, with one thumb sticking up.<br> The children who are "it" tiptoe quietly and touch some one on the thumb. Then they go back in front of the class. The teacher calls, "Seven up." Everyone looks up. The children who were touched try to guess who touched their thumb. If the child guesses right, she or he gets to be "it" and the other child sits down.