Accepting the Command of the Army 奉命统领全军 乔治·华盛顿 乔治·华盛顿(1732—1799),美国第一任总统。1787年,他主持了制宪会议,制定了美国宪法。由于他在美国独立战争和建国大业中的重要作用,华盛顿通常被称为美国国父,与亚伯拉罕·林肯一起被学者们列为美国历史上最伟大的总统。本文是选自乔治·华盛顿在1775年就任全军总司令时写给爱妻一封信。文中多处使用shall构成平行结构,以达到增强语气的效果,同时表现出作者的责任感与自信。 You may believe me, when I assure you in the most solemn① manner that, so far from seeking this employment, I have used every effort in my power to avoid it, not only from my unwillingness to part with you and the family, but from a consciousness of its being a trusty② too great for my capacity; and I should enjoy more real happiness in one month with you at home than I have the most distant prospect of finding abroad, if my stay were to be seven times seven③ years. But as it has been a kind of destiny that has thrown me upon this service, I shall hope that my undertaking it is designed to answer some good purpose. I shall rely confidently on that Providence④ which has heretofore preserved and been bountiful to me, not doubting but⑤ that I shall return safe to you in the fall. I shall feel no pain from the toil or danger of the campaign; my unhappiness will flow from the uneasiness I know you will feel from being left alone. I therefore beg that you will summon your whole fortitude, and pass your time as agreeably as possible. Nothing will give me so much sincere satisfaction as to hear this, and to hear it from your own pen. 请相信我,我郑重地向你保证我从未主动寻求过这个使命,而是尽我所能,想方设法地回避它。不只是因为我不想与你和家人分开,更是因为我深刻地意识到,这个使命任重道远,凭我的能力,恐难胜任。如果让我在外漂泊数十载,探寻非常遥远的幸福,我宁愿在家里与你团聚一个月,享受真正的幸福。但命运既然已经将这个使命赋予了我,我真心希望奉命履行的这个职责能够使我有所成就…… 我由衷地信仰一直保佑和赐福于我的上帝,坚信秋天的时候我会安然无恙地回到你的身边。出征所带来的磨难与危险,不会使我感到丝毫痛苦;想到你独自一人焦虑不安地在待在家中,我就痛苦不已。因此,我恳请你鼓足勇气,尽可能开心地生活。没有什么事情比听到你过得开心的消息,而且这消息是你亲笔写信告诉我的,更能使我感到欣慰了。 The Geettysburg Address 葛底斯堡演说 亚伯拉罕·林肯 亚伯拉罕·林肯(1809年2月12日-1865年4月15日),美国第16任总统,出生在肯塔基州哈丁县一个清贫的农民家庭,他的童年是“一部贫穷的简明编年史”。在青年时代,林肯通过自学使自己成为一个博学而充满智慧的人。1847年,林肯作为辉格党的代表,参加了国会议员的竞选,获得了成功,第一次来到首都华盛顿。1850年,美国的奴隶主势力大增,林肯退出国会,继续当律师。1860年,林肯成为共和党的总统候选人,11月,选举揭晓,他以200万票当选为美国第16任总统,但在奴隶主控制的南部10个州,他没有得到1张选票。1865年4月14日,林肯在华盛顿的福特剧院遇刺,次日身亡,葬于橡树岭公墓。林肯领导美国人民维护了国家统一,废除了奴隶制,促进了美国历史的发展,一百多年来,受到美国人民的尊敬,成为美国历史上最伟大的总统之一。 《葛底斯堡演说》是美国第16任总统亚伯拉罕·林肯最著名的演说,也是美国历史上最著名、最有影响力的演说之一。1863年11月19日,正值美国内战中葛底斯堡战役结束,林肯在宾夕法尼亚州葛底斯堡的葛底斯堡国家公墓发表该演说,以此哀悼在长达5个半月的葛底斯堡战役中阵亡的将士。林肯的演讲修辞精妙,情感充沛,感染力强,成为美国历史上最伟大的演说之一。 Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition① that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great battelfield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who gave their lives that the nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But in a larger sense, we can not dedicate, we can not consecrate, we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract②. The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It ia rather for us here dedicated to the great task remaining before us that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, that the goverment of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth. 想整整八十七年前,我们的祖先在这片大地上开创出一个崭新的国度,她基于自由之上,主张人人生来平等。 今时今日,我们正投身于一场伟大的内战。战争,让我们看看究竟有没有一个国家,如此忠贞于她的信仰,能够长久坚持。今天所面对的,是一个庞大的战场,一场伟大的战争。我们把这广博的土地辟出那么一些,留给那些为了国家的生存而挥洒生命的勇士们,为他们的灵魂寻一片安息之地。为他们,值得这么做,理应这么做。 然而在深层意义上,我们那微薄之力,实则无所谓奉献,无所谓神圣,更无所谓让这土地从此赋有意义。因为千千万万的勇士们,在世的或已离去的,早已成就了所谓的神圣,我们微不足道的力量再也不足以对其有所抑扬。今天我们所言,世界或许不会在意,或许不会铭记,但先人们的英勇奋斗,世界不能忘记。对于我们,尚且在世的同胞们,尽管前人已然功绩辉煌,我们要做的是,继续他们未完的事业,跋涉他们没走完的征程。前人为这伟大的事业倾注了全部,直到最后;留给我们后人的,我们要承担,要投入比前人更多的力量与生命。唯有这样,前人的献血才不会白白流淌,我们的国家,作为上帝的孩子,才会重获自由的新生。那么,一个真正民有、民治、民享的政府才会屹立不倒,永世长存。 Edward VIII Farewell Address 爱德华八世告别演说 爱德华八世 爱德华八世(1894—1972),1936年成为英国国王,在他作为国王的数月之中,其婚姻问题引发了英国的宪政危机。因与美国平民女子辛普森夫人结婚而让位其弟,乔治六世。他成为了英国和英联邦历史上唯——位自动退位的国王,留下了“不爱江山爱美人”的佳话。本文是英国国王爱德华八世的告别演说,他为了迎娶“自己深爱的女人”放弃了王位,成为温莎公爵。全文语言平实质朴,简洁凝练,字里行间流露出真情实感。文中书面语的使用令整篇演说显得庄重典雅,而大量长句的使用则令全文显得更为正式,极具说服力。 At long last I am able to say a few words of my own. I have never wanted to withhold① anything, but until now it has not been constitutionally possible for me to speak. A few hours ago I discharged② my last duty as King and Emperor, and now that I have been succeeded by my brother, the Duke of York③, my first words must be to declare my allegiance to him. This I do with all my heart. You all know the reasons which have impelled me to renounce the throne. But I want you to understand that in making up my mind I did not forget the country or the empire, which, as Prince of Wales and lately as King, I have for twenty five years tried to serve. But you must believe me when I tell you that I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as King as I would wish to do without the help and support of the woman I love. And I want you to know that the decision I have made has been mine and mine alone. This was a thing I had to judge entirely for myself. The other person most nearly concerned has tried up to the last to persuade me to take a different course. I have made this, the most serious decision of my life, only upon the single thought of what would, in the end, be best for all. This decision has been made less difficult tome by the sure knowledge that my brother, with his long training in the public affairs of this country and with his fine qualities, will be able to take my place forthwith without interruption or injury to the life and progress of the empire. And he has one matchless blessing, enjoyed by so many of you, and not bestowed④ on me—a happy home with his wife and children. During these hard days I have been comforted by her majesty my mother and by my family. The ministers of the crown, and in particular, Mr. Baldwin, the Prime Minister, have always treated me with full consideration. There has never been any constitutional difference between me and them, and between me and Parliament. Bred in the constitutional tradition by my father, I should never have allowed any such issue to arise⑤. Ever since I was Prince of Wales, and later on when I occupied the throne, I have been treated with the greatest kindness by all classes of the people wherever I have lived or journeyed throughout the empire. For that I am very grateful. I now quit altogether public affairs and I lay down my burden. It may be some time before I return to my native land, but I shall always follow the fortunes of the British race and empire with profound interest and if at any time in the future I can be found of service to his majesty in a private station, I shall not fail. And now, we all have a new King. I wish him and you, his people, happiness and prosperity with all my heart. God bless you all! God save the King! 几经周折之后,我终于可以说几句心里话了。我从未想过要去刻意地隐瞒,只是一直以来,根据宪法规定,我不能开口谈这些事情。 几个小时前,我履行了作为国王和君主的最后职责,我的弟弟,约克公爵,将继承我的王位。首先我要向他表示拥护和忠诚,我将全心全意地效忠于他。 导致我放弃王位的原因已经众所周知。但我希望你们能够理解:在做出退位决定时,无论是作为威尔士亲王,还是后来作为国王,我都没有忘记这个我为之效忠25年的国家和帝国。 但是,此时我确信,如果没有这个我所深爱的女人的帮助和支持,我发现自己不可能如我所愿地承担这副重担,履行国王的职责与义务。 我还想让你们知道,我所做出的决定完全是我个人的决定。这是一件必须由我自己做出判断的事情。另一个与此事密切相关的人直至最后一刻还在劝我做出其他选择。 我已经做出了人生中最重要的一个决定,我只有一个简单的想法,就是做出的决定最终对所有人来说都是最好的选择。 做出这个决定对我来说并不那么困难,因为我很清楚,我的弟弟,他曾在我国的公众事务中得到过长期的锻炼,而且他本人品质优秀,能够立即接替我而不会给帝国的生活和进步带来曲折和损害。况且像你们一样,他拥有上帝不曾赐予我的无与伦比的幸福——一个与妻儿共享天伦的欢乐家庭。 在这段艰难的日子里,我的母后和我的家庭给我以安慰。内阁大臣们,尤其是首相鲍德温先生,总是给予我充分的体谅。我与内阁大臣之间,与国会之间,从未就遵守宪法的问题产生过任何分歧。我的父亲根据宪法传统把我教养成人,我决不允许这类问题出现。 从我还是威尔士亲王之时,直至后来登上王位,无论我居住或穿梭于帝国何处,都能感受到各阶层人民对我的爱戴。为此,我深表感谢。 现在,我已经从所有的公共事务中退出,卸下了我的重担。我可能还需要一段时间才能回到祖国,但我将密切地关注大不列颠人民和帝国的命运,而且将来任何时候,如果能以私人身份为国王陛下尽一份力,我将全力以赴。 现在,我们有了一位新的国王,我由衷地祝福他和你们,国王的臣民们幸福,国家富 强。愿上帝保佑你们!愿上帝保佑国王! The Hobbit 霍比特人 约翰·罗纳德·瑞尔·托尔金 约翰·罗纳德·瑞尔·托尔金,(1892—1973),一般简称为J·R·R·托尔金,牛津大学教授,古英语专家。童年家境窘迫,12岁时成了孤儿。1911年到牛津大学的埃克塞学院学习古英语、日耳曼语、威尔士语与哥特语,显示出令人瞩目的语言学天赋。第一次世界大战中赴法参战,后因病回国。曾在里兹大学、牛津大学任教,1959年退休。托尔金的著作不多, 1937年,托尔金完成了他的第一部作品《霍比特人历险记》。尽管这是一部童话,但它同样适合成人阅读。由于这部作品销量不错,出版商说服托尔金创作续集。这一鼓励促使托尔金花费16年的时间完成了他最有名的作品——史诗三部曲《魔戒》。 《魔戒》无论是从销售量还是读者评价来讲,都称得上是20世纪最流行的文学作品之一。托尔金的重要影响在于,在《魔戒》成功之后,奇幻小说这一文学体裁迅速发展起来。本文选自《霍比特人》的第一章。 “从前有个霍比特人,住在地洞里。”这句话看似平淡,稍加咀嚼却十分引人入胜。这是本书开篇第一句,也是整个魔戒传奇的第一句,历来被称为经典开场白。 In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy① smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort. It had a perfectly round door like a porthole, painted green, with a shiny yellow brass knob in the exact middle. The door opened on to a tube-shaped hall like a tunnel: a very comfortable tunnel without smoke, with paneled② walls, and floors tiled and carpeted, provided with polished chairs, and lots and lots of pegs for hats and coats—the hobbit was fond of visitors. The tunnel wound on and on, going fairly but not quite straight into the side of the hill—The Hill, as all the people for many miles round called it—and many little round doors opened out of it, first on one side and then on another. No going upstairs for the hobbit: bedrooms, bathrooms, cellars, pantries (lots of these), wardrobes (he had whole rooms devoted to clothes), kitchens, dining-rooms, all were on the same floor, and indeed on the same passage. The best rooms were all on the left-hand side (going in), for these were the only ones to have windows, deep-set round windows looking over his garden and meadows beyond, sloping down to the river. This hobbit was a very well-to-do hobbit, and his name was Baggins. The Bagginses had lived in the neighbourhood of The Hill for time out of mind, and people considered them very respectable, not only because most of them were rich, but also because they never had any adventures or did anything unexpected: you could tell what a Baggins would say on any question without the bother of asking him. This is a story of how a Baggins had an adventure, found himself doing and saying things altogether unexpected. He may have lost the neighbours’ respect, but he gained—well, you will see whether he gained anything in the end. 从前有个霍比特人,住在地洞里。这并非是那种又肮脏又潮湿,布满了小虫,且满是腐臭气味的洞穴;但它也不是那种又干燥又光秃,除了沙子连个家具都没有的无聊洞穴。这个洞穴是霍比特人的居所,是个舒舒服服的地方。 这座洞穴的大门像舷窗般浑圆,漆成了绿色,在其正中央还有个黄色的闪亮门把。打开大门,便会进入一个像隧道一样圆管状的客厅:这是个没有烟雾的舒适客厅,有着精心装饰的墙壁,地板上铺着地毯和瓷砖,四处还摆着许多打磨光亮的椅子。霍比特人非常喜欢有客人来访,因此这洞穴里还有很多很多的衣帽架。隧道继续延伸,蜿蜒地深入山丘中,附近许多英里的人们都叫这座山丘为“小丘”,小丘各个方向还盖了许多圆形的小门。霍比特人可是不爬楼梯的:卧室、浴室、酒窖、餐点室(还有更多的呢!)、更衣室(他用一整间房间来放衣服)、厨房、饭厅,全部都在同一层楼,也都在同一条走廊上。最好的房间都是在左手边(里面也一样),因为只有这个方向的房间才有窗户,这些浑圆的窗户可以俯瞰他美丽的花园,和一路延伸向河边的翠绿草地。 这名霍比特人生活相当富裕,他姓巴金斯。巴金斯一家人自古以来就居住在小丘这一带,附近的邻居都很尊敬他们;不单只是因为他们大部分都很有钱,也是因为他们从来不冒险,不会做任何出人意料的事情:你在问巴金斯一家人任何问题之前,都可以先预料到他们的答案,根本不必要浪费这个力气。这个故事就是关于一名巴金斯家人如何意外地卷入冒险之中,并且做出和说出许多出人意料的事情来的。他或许失去了邻居们的尊敬,但是至少获得了──算啦!到最后你就会知道他获得了什么东西。 Your Life Is like a River 生命如河 罗伯特·泰勒 罗伯特·泰勒(1911—1969)美国著名电影明星,主要出演影视作品有《茶花女》(1937),《魂断蓝桥》(1940),《豪华的荡妇》(1936),《幸运之夜》(1939),《新婚浩劫》(1946)等。其中以其主演的《魂断蓝桥》最受世人认可与热爱。在泰勒短暂的艺术人生当中,他精彩演绎百态人生,于戏中诠释爱情,于现实中展示真我,是美国影坛一颗不朽的巨星。1969年因肺癌不幸逝世,享年58岁。本文《生命如河》,是泰勒一篇精美的散文,文笔质朴,但感情真挚,于平淡中透出对于生命的激情。 Your life begins small, something like the drops of rain which become small streams andeventually great rivers which flow into the ocean. Like these streams and rivers, we encounter① obstacles and challenges. The streams and rivers overcome these obstacles by wearing them down or finding a path around or through them. At times there are massive floods, huge waterfalls, and raging② rapids③. Then there are the periods of smooth and peaceful flow. The thing to note is that the flow never stops. It continues until the ocean is reached. The river never passes the same point twice and is only at that point for the precise moment it is there. It flows immediately to the next point in its journey. It does not normally back track. Those few times it does, it becomes stagnant④ and brackish⑤ . The river does not struggle and strain, it simply flows on until it reaches its destination. The river will at times change direction because of obstacles encountered, but will continue the journey to its goal. When one path is blocked it seeks another path. The river is patient, for it knows it will eventually reach its destination. It is also consistent and persistent. There are many parallels between the river and our lives. As babies and children many small items of input form our outlook on life and influence the way our lives flow. Meager⑥ input equals meager flow, whereas greater input gives our lives greater flow.How many parallels can you find between a river and your life· 生命之初,微微的,小小的,宛若雨水,点点滴滴,汇聚成溪,再渐渐化作一条大河,奔流入海。 如溪水,如河流,我们会遇到坎坷和挫折。溪水与河流克服重重阻碍,靠的或是渐渐磨平它的棱角,或是绕过它去,另辟蹊径。 诚然,会发洪水,会有飞瀑,亦会有激流。然而,总会有那么一个时刻,河水静静流淌,平静而安详。重点是,河水从不曾停息,不到最终汇入大海的那一刻,永不停止奔流。 对于河水而言,走过的路再无法退回去重新来过,同一处地点,也从不多停留一秒。河流的生命,在于一刻不停地向下一站进发,从不回头。但凡有一刻的停留,就会化为一潭死水,淤滞不前。河水无所谓挣扎,无所谓追逐,它就这么流淌着,直到抵达终点。 河水时而会绕道而行,因为遇到不可逾越的障碍。但尽管如此,河水依旧向着目标而前进。一条路不通,换另一条也要向前。 河水充满耐性,因为它深知自己必将抵达终点。因而它坚韧而持久。 河流与生命,有许多相同之处。就如孩提时代一点一滴小小的投入,渐渐成就我们未来的希望,并影响着生命之流如何向前。小投入换来的只会是细细一注,只有大的投入才能成就广博的大好河川。 那么,河流与君自己的生命轨迹又有多少相同,您能找得到吗? Late Summer 夏末 欧内斯特·海明威 欧内斯特·海明威,美国著名小说家。海明威出生于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥市郊区的奥克帕克,晚年在爱达荷州凯彻姆的家中自杀身亡。海明威代表作有《老人与海》《太阳照样升起》《永别了,武器》《丧钟为谁而鸣》等。海明威被誉为美利坚民族的精神丰碑,并且是“新闻体”小说的创始人,他的笔锋一向以“文坛硬汉”著称。海明威的写作风格以简洁著称,对美国文学及20世纪文学的发展有极深远的影响。众所周知,海明威的文学生涯与战争密不可分,而该篇短文《夏末》则来自于他的《永别了,武器》,描绘出夏末乡村里士兵备战的苍凉场景,画面感极强。 In the late summer of that year we lived in a house in a village that looked across the river and the plain to the mountains. In the bed of the river there were pebbles and boulders①, dry and white in the sun, and the water was clear and swiftly moving and blue in the channels. Troops went by the house and down the road and the dust they raised powdered the leaves of the trees. The trunks of the trees too were dusty and the leaves fell early that year and we saw the troops marching along the road and the dust rising and leaves, stirred by the breeze, falling and the soldiers marching find afterward the road bare and white except for the leaves. The plain was rich with crops; there were many orchards of fruit trees and beyond the plain the mountains were brown and bare. There was fighting in the mountains and at night we could see the flashes from the artillery② . In the dark it was like summer lightning, but the nights were cool and there was not the feeling of a storm coming. Sometimes in the dark we heard the troops marching under the window and guns going past pulled by motor-tractors. There was much traffic at night and many mules on the roads with boxes of ammunition③ on each side of their pack-saddles and gray motor-trucks that carried men, and other trucks with loads covered with canvas that moved slower in the traffic. There were big guns too that passed in the day drawn by tractors, the long barrels of the guns covered with green branches and green leafy branches and vines laid over the tractors. 那年夏末,我们住在村中一间小屋里。从村子向外望去,视野跨越河流,穿过平原,直抵山峦。河底的鹅卵石和大板石随处可见,在阳光下,又似乎干干的,很苍白。蓝蓝的河水很是清澈,一刻不停地在河道里哗哗流淌。部队路过房子,沿着大路一直向前,踏得到处尘土飞扬,荡起的灰尘布满枝头。树干早已蒙上厚厚一层灰,那年的叶子落得特别早。我们看着部队大步向前,尘土漫天,叶子在这一片轰隆隆声中纷纷掉落。部队走了,路上空空荡荡,光秃秃、白晃晃,只有落叶,散落在地上。 平原上庄稼长得丰茂,片片果园点缀其中。而背后深褐色的大山却光秃秃的,毫无生气。山里在打仗,夜里能够看到大炮的火光闪烁。漆黑的夜色中,那炮火的光好似夏日雨夜的闪电,然而夜很凉,丝毫没有暴风雨将至的感觉。 时而在夜里,能够听得到窗外有部队行进,火炮被摩托牵引车拖着,一片隆隆之声。夜晚的交通无比繁忙,骡子驮着一箱箱军火,背鞍两侧一边一个。灰色的卡车载着战士们,还有一些拉着货物,外面罩着帆布,缓慢行驶。白天也会有重型火炮从这里经过,由拖拉机拉着。火炮上满满地盖着绿色的枝条,而拖拉机也被满是绿叶的树枝和藤蔓包裹得严严实实。 ……
Accepting the Command of the Army 奉命统领全军 乔治·华盛顿
Never Give In, Never, Never, Never 永不言弃,永远,永远,永远不会 温斯顿·丘吉尔
Four Freedoms 四大自由 富兰克林·罗斯福
Man Will Prevail 人类终将战胜一切 威廉·福克纳
The Gettysburg Address 葛底斯堡演说 亚伯拉罕·林肯
I Have a Dream 我有一个梦想 马丁·路德·金
Inaugural Address 总统就职演说 约翰·菲茨杰拉德·肯尼迪
Riders on the Earth Together 我们都是地球的乘客 理查德·米尔豪斯·尼克松
In Memory of the Challenger Astronauts 怀念“挑战者号”宇航员 罗纳德·里根
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death 不自由,毋宁死 帕特里克·亨利
Common Sense 常识 托马斯·潘恩
The Declaration of Independence 独立宣言 托马斯·杰斐逊等
Edward VIII Farewell Address 爱德华八世告别演说 爱德华八世
New York Senate Race Speech 竞选纽约参议员的演讲 希拉里·克林顿
Charter of the United Nations 联合国宪章
Farewell Address 告别演说 乔治·华盛顿
Duty and Principles 责任与原则 托马斯·杰斐逊
The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself
我们唯一害怕的就是害怕本身 富兰克林·罗斯福
To Bind Up the Nation’s Wounds 包扎好国家的创伤 亚伯拉罕·林肯
War Message to Congress 关于宣战对国会的演讲 托马斯·伍德罗·威尔逊
Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day·(Sonnet )
我怎么能够把你来比作夏天?(十四行诗第首) 威廉·莎士比亚
Love 爱情 乔治·桑塔亚那
When You Are Old 当你老了 威廉·巴特勒·叶芝
A Red, Red Rose 一朵红红的玫瑰 罗伯特·彭斯
She Walks in Beauty 她在美中徜徉 乔治·戈登·拜伦
Chiswick Mall 契息克林荫道 威廉·萨克雷
Love’s Secret 爱的秘密 威廉·布莱克
To Elizabeth Hitchhiker 致伊丽莎白·西琴勒 珀西·比希·雪莱
Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds(Sonnet )
莫让我向真挚心灵的结合(十四行诗第首) 威廉·莎士比亚
Sonnets from the Portuguese XIV 葡萄牙十四行诗第首 伊丽莎白·芭蕾特·勃朗宁
Song (Go and Catch a Falling Star) 歌(去捕捉陨星一颗) 约翰·邓恩
Of Love 论爱情 弗朗西斯·培根
Love Is Difficult 爱是艰难的 勒内·玛里亚·里尔克
Napoleon to Josephine 拿破仑致约瑟芬 拿破仑·波拿巴
Hamlet 哈姆雷特 约翰·罗斯金
Robinson Crusoe 鲁滨逊漂流记 丹尼尔·笛福
The Character of Samuel Johnson 塞缪尔·约翰逊其人 詹姆斯·鲍斯威尔
The Hobbit 霍比特人 约翰·罗纳德·瑞尔·托尔金
Pope 蒲柏 塞缪尔·约翰逊
Socrates 苏格拉底 伯特兰·罗素
Gulliver’s Travels 格列佛游记 乔纳森·斯威夫特
The Sketch Book(The Author’s Account of Himself)
见闻札记(作者自述) 华盛顿·欧文
Three Days to See 假如给我三天光明 海伦·凯勒
How I Discovered Words 我是怎样识字的 海伦·凯勒
Solve That Problem—with Humor 幽默——解决问题的法宝 威廉·唐纳修·埃利斯
I Will Greet This Day with Love in My Heart
我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天 奥格·曼狄诺
Man Is Here for the Sake of Other Men 人是为了别人而活着 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦
Some Remarks on Humor 谈幽默 埃尔文·布鲁克斯·怀特
Advice to Youth 对青年人的忠告 马克·吐温
The Road to Success 成功之路 安德鲁·卡耐基
Courage 勇气 蒙塔古·弗朗西斯·阿什利·蒙塔古
Carry On 坚持 罗伯特·威廉·塞维斯
A Message to Garcia 致加西亚的信 阿尔伯特·哈伯德
Our Family Creed 家族的信条 小约翰·洛克菲勒
Solitude 孤独 埃拉·惠勒·威尔科克斯
Suit Is Best 适合的就是最好的 威廉·哈兹里特
Work, Labor and Play 工作、劳动和娱乐 威斯坦·休·奥登
Conversation 谈话的艺术 塞缪尔·约翰逊
Work and Pleasure 工作和娱乐 温斯顿·丘吉尔
A Treatise on Good Manners and Good Breeding 论礼貌与教养 乔纳森·斯威夫特
If 如果 鲁德亚德·吉卜林
Forms and Colors 形式与色彩 恩斯特·贡布里希
On the Instability of Human Glory 谈人间荣耀之虚渺 丹尼尔·笛福
Fame 名誉 梅尔文·霍华德
The Light of a Brighter Day 更光明的未来 海伦·凯勒
What I Have Lived for 我为什么而活 伯特兰·罗素
The Meaning of Life 生命的意义 约瑟夫·普利斯特里
We Are on a Journey 人在旅途 亨利·凡·戴克
Your Life Is like a River 生命如河 罗伯特·泰勒
Love Your Life 热爱生活 亨利·戴维·梭罗
Hope Is the Thing with Feathers 希望长着翅膀 艾米丽·狄金森
Ambition 抱负 约瑟夫·爱泼斯坦
All the World’s a Stage 全世界是个舞台 威廉·莎士比亚
The World as I See It 我眼中的世界 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦
Roll Away the Stone 推开石头 赛珍珠
Of the Dignity or Meanness of Human Nature 论人性的高尚或卑鄙 大卫·休谟
The Feeling of Immortality in Youth 青春不朽之感 威廉·哈兹里特
Good and Evil 善恶之辩 约翰·弥尔顿
Beauty 论美 拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生
The Two Natural Propensities 两种性格倾向 爱德华·吉本
Frankness 正直 罗伯特·爱德华·李
Courage 勇气 约翰·菲茨杰拉德·肯尼迪
The Autobiography of Benjarnin Franklin 富兰克林自传 本杰明·富兰克林
A Tale of Two Cities 双城记 查尔斯·狄更斯
The Value of Time 时间的价值 佚名
Youth 青春 塞缪尔·厄尔曼
What Will Matter 学会珍惜 佚名
Two Passages on Equality 平等二则 夏洛蒂·勃朗特和乔治·萧伯纳
Life 生命 拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生
Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland 今夜梦境游乐园来相会 马里奥·普佐
Sweet September 绚烂九月 哈尔·勃兰德
To Autumn 秋颂 约翰·济慈
The Crooked Streets 弯弯的老街 希莱尔·贝洛克
Spring 春 詹姆斯·基尔帕特里克
A New Life 新生 乔治·罗伯特·吉辛
Golden Fruit 金色的果实 艾伦·亚历山大·米尔恩
Night 夜色 纳撒尼尔·霍桑
Late Summer 夏末 欧内斯特·海明威
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 雪夜林畔小驻 罗伯特·弗罗斯特
The Snow Man 雪人 华莱士·史蒂文斯
A Green Hill Far Away 远处的青山 约翰·高尔斯华绥
Whistling of Birds 鸟语啁啾 戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯
August 八月之美 查尔斯·狄更斯
Ode to a Nightingale 夜莺颂 约翰·济慈
Conformity to Nature 顺应自然 托马斯·斯特恩斯·艾略特
Sunday Before the War 战前星期天 阿瑟·克拉顿-布罗克
The Literature of Knowledge and the Literature of Power
知识之文学与力量之文学 托马斯·德·昆西
Another School Year —What For· 大学的意义 约翰·查尔迪
Companionship of Books 与书为伴 塞缪尔·斯迈尔斯
Learning for Tomorrow 为明天而学习 阿尔文·托夫勒
Pens 笔 欧·亨利
A Hemingway Sample 海明威的写作技巧 卡洛琳·戈登
Of Studies 谈读书 弗朗西斯·培根
How Should One Read a Book· 如何读书 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫
Intelligent Reading 智慧读书 阿诺德·本涅特
A Tree of Knowledge 知识之树 卡尔·萨根
Owning Books 论藏书 威廉·列农·菲尔普斯
Bookshops in Paris 巴黎的书店 奥尔德斯·赫胥黎
Extreme Busyness 忙忙碌碌 罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森
The Origin of Species 进化论 查尔斯·达尔文
Evolution and Ethics 进化论与伦理学 托马斯·亨利·赫胥黎
Science 科学 雅各布·布洛诺夫斯基
Universe 宇宙 斯蒂芬·威廉·霍金
Relativity 相对论 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦
Narcissus Leaves the Pool 那喀索斯离开池塘 约瑟夫·爱泼斯坦
Thinking as a Hobby 思考作为一种习惯 威廉·杰拉尔德·戈尔丁
What Is Science· 什么是科学 乔治·奥威尔
Economics in One Lesson 一课经济学 亨利·哈兹里特
How to Mark a Book 如何为一本书做标记 穆提莫·艾德勒
Samuel Johnson’s Letter to Lord Chesterfield
塞缪尔·约翰逊致切斯菲尔德伯爵书 詹姆斯·包斯威尔和塞缪尔·约翰逊
Reading 读书 安德烈·莫洛亚
Science and Sensibility 科学与情感 雅各布·布洛诺夫斯基
The Cardinal Virtue of Prose 散文最重要的品质 阿瑟·克拉顿-布罗克
The Pilgrim’s Progress 天路历程 约翰·班扬
Land! 大陆! 阿姆斯特朗·斯佩里
Appointment in Samarra 萨迈拉的约会 萨默斯特·毛姆
Sorrows of the Millionaire 百万富翁的悲哀 乔治·萧伯纳
A Fable for Tomorrow 明日的寓言 蕾切尔·卡逊
On Doors 门 克里斯托弗·达宁顿·莫利
Genesis 创世纪 詹姆斯一世钦定版《圣经》
Crossing the Rubicon 破釜沉舟 詹姆斯·鲍德温
The Old Man and the Sea 老人与海 欧内斯特·海明威
’Twas the Night Before Christmas 圣诞节前夜 克莱门特·克拉克·穆尔
The Nightingale and the Rose 夜莺与蔷薇 奥斯卡·王尔德
The Handsome and the Deformed Legs 美腿与丑腿 本杰明·富兰克林
Love of Life 热爱生命 杰克·伦敦
The Thorn Birds 荆棘鸟 考琳·麦卡洛
Cinderella—the Real Story 灰姑娘的真实故事 伊冯·奥古斯丁
Gone with the Wind 飘 玛格丽特·米切尔
Ecclesiastes 传道书 詹姆斯一世钦定版《圣经》
Harmony with the Actual World 与现实世界的和谐 托马斯·哈代
Relief 解脱 纳撒尼尔·霍桑
To Recreate Life Out of Life 生命之中再造生命 詹姆斯·乔伊斯
On the Cries of London 伦敦的叫卖声 约瑟夫·阿狄生
Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts 格兰特和李之对比研究 布鲁斯·卡顿
In Ourselves We Trust 相信自己 安迪·鲁尼
Of Travel 论旅行 弗朗西斯·培根
The Unhappy American Way 美国人的忧郁癖性 伯特兰·罗素
The Negro Speaks of Rivers 黑人谈河流 兰斯顿·休斯
The Definition of a Gentleman 绅士的定义 约翰·亨利·纽曼
The Americans 美国人 布拉德福德·史密斯
The Pleasure of Ignorance 无知常乐 罗伯特·林德
A Nice Cup of Tea 一杯好茶 乔治·奥威尔
American of Paradox 自相矛盾的美国人 佚名
American Dream 美国梦 科琳娜·布朗
Funeral Sermon for Mammy Caroline Barr 悼念卡洛琳·巴尔妈妈 威廉·福克纳
Two Kinds 望女成凤 谭恩美
This Was My Mother 这是我母亲 马克·吐温
The Tribute to Diana 悼念戴安娜王妃 查尔斯·爱德华·莫里斯·斯宾塞
I Remember, I Remember 我记得,我记得 托马斯·胡德
O Captain! My Captain! 哦,船长!我的船长! 沃尔特·惠特曼
Childhood 童年 夏洛蒂·勃朗特
The Lost Love 失去的爱 威廉·华兹华斯
The Lost Childhood 逝去的童年 格雷厄姆·格林