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句式一 含有经典定语从句的句子<br>一、什么是经典定语从句<br>所谓“经典定语从句”,就是大家最熟悉的用 which、who、whom、that、where 等关系代词和关系副词引导的定语从句。这种定语从句其实就是一个句子作定语,该定语从句紧紧地跟在被它限定或修饰的中心词(先行词)之后,把该定语从句从原句子里拿掉,原句子依然完整。也就是说,定语从句只不过是放在后面专门用于修饰或限定前面的某个词的一个“长定语”。由于定语从句在中心词后面,所以也是后置定语的一种。<br>(一)关系代词作主语的定语从句<br>例如:His approach to the problems that had worried writers throughout the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries was intensely practical. 本句里,关系代词that 代替了problems。而that 在其所引导的句子里作主语。如果拿掉该定语从句,得到:<br>His approach to the problems was intensely practical.<br>其他例子如:<br>例1. The devastating floods and droughts that imposed a recurrent tax of suffering on the fellahin( 埃及语:农民) no longer occur.<br>如果拿掉该定语从句,得到:<br>The devastating floods and droughts no longer occur.<br>例2. The pair of legs that carried him was rickety…<br>如果拿掉该定语从句,得到:<br>The pair of legs was rickety…<br>例3. …because we believe fundamentally that trade will enrich those nations who embrace its discipline…<br>如果拿掉该定语从句,得到:<br>…because we believe fundamentally that trade will enrich those nations …<br>例4. In the spirit of frankness which will characterize our talks this week…<br>如果拿掉该定语从句,得到:<br>In the spirit of frankness…<br>可见,定语从句不必是句子里天然的一部分,它只是一个限定或修饰别的名词或代词的定语,其功效等于一个形容词(只不过由于它比较长,只好放在被修饰的名词或代词后面了。汉语里没有后置定语,所以大家要习惯定语从句的用法)。<br>(二)关系代词作宾语的定语从句<br>例如:The fishing grounds that have been developed in China’s sea areas cover 818,000 square nautical mile. 句子中的关系代词that代替了fishing grounds,作定语从句中的developed的宾语。<br>其他例子如:<br>例1. Is there anything that I can do for you?<br>本句等于:<br>Is there anything I can do for you? (that 可省略)<br>例2. This is the man whom he worked with.<br>本句等于:<br>This is the man he worked with. (whom 可省略)<br>This is the man with whom he worked. (whom 不可省略)<br>例3. This is the question about which they have had so much discussion in the past few weeks.(which 不能用that 代替,且不能省略)<br>例4. She was awarded a gold medal, which the whole family considered a great honour.(which 作considered 的宾语,因which 引导的是非限定性定语从句,所以which 不能省略)<br>(三)关系代词作表语的定语从句<br>例1. She was very patient towards the children, which her husband seldom was. (which 作 was 的表语)<br>例2. He will become the man which his father wants him to be. ( which 作be 的表语)<br>例3. He is no longer the simple-minded man that he was five years ago. (that作was的表语)<br>例4. He is said to be everything that an honest man should be. (that 作be 的表语)<br>(四) There be 结构里的后置定语和定语从句<br>这个句式是中国考生最常写错的。英语There be 就是谓语,后边跟主语,该主语后面不能再用动词原形了。例如:There is a student reads a newspaper. 本句里的reads 就是多余的谓语。这时,可把reads 改为reading 或who reads( 这其实又是短语作后置定语与定语从句之间的转换)。<br>其他例子如:<br>例1. And there was a bias in his gait which inclined him somewhat to the left of straight line.<br>句式一 含有经典定语从句的句子<br>例2. But there isn’t anything here right now I could offer you.<br>例3. …there are signs that much more serious efforts may be mustered in the reasonably near future.<br>例4. Although the Communist Party of China had not yet come into existence, there were already large numbers of intellectuals who approved of the Russian Revolution and had the rudiments of communist ideology.<br><br>…………<br><br>二、《剑1》到《剑7》同类句式及其分析<br>(以上所述各句式及其变化,都可以在下列例句中找到原型。考生一定要把握共性的规律,达到“顿悟”。)<br>001 An even more hazardous device, popular in America, was the Instantaneous Light Box—bottle filled with sulphuric acid into which splints treated with chemicals were dipped.( 《剑1》<br>句式一 含有经典定语从句的句子第19 页)<br>分析:画线部分into which splints treated with chemicals were dipped 是关系代词which引导的限定性定语从句,which 的先行词是sulphuric acid,which 在该定语从句里担任介词 into 的宾语。<br>译文:一种在美国通用的更危险的装置是“ 猝发点火盒”—— 它是一个里面装了磷酸的瓶子,经过化学处理的薄木条浸在磷酸中。<br>002 The first matches resembling those used today were made in 1827 by John Walker, an English pharmacist who borrowed the formula from a military rocket-maker called Congreve.(《剑1》第19 页)<br>分析:画线部分who borrowed the formula from a military rocket-maker called Congreve是关系代词who 引导的限定性定语从句,who 的先行词是pharmacist,who 在该定语从句里担任谓语动词borrowed 的主语。<br>译文:与今天所使用的火柴相似的第一种火柴是约翰&#8226; 沃克于1827 年制作的。沃克是一名英国药剂师,他从一个叫康格里夫的军用火箭制作者手里借来了制作方子。<br>003 Walker never patented his invention, and three years later it was copied by a Samuel Jones, who marketed his products as Lucifers.( 《剑1》第19 页)<br>分析:画线部分who marketed his products as Lucifers 是关系代词who 引导的一个非限定性的定语从句,who 的先行词是Samuel Jones,who 在该定语从句里担任谓语动词marketed 的主语。<br>译文:沃克从没有将其发明注册专利,三年后,该发明被一个叫萨缪尔&#8226; 琼斯的人借用了。琼斯把其产品命名为“撒旦”在市场上销售。<br>004 This commitment has now been clearly defined in The World Zoo Conservation Strategy (WZCS, September 1993), which—although an important and welcome document—does seem to be based on an unrealistic optimism about the nature of the zoo industry.( 《剑1》第22 页)<br>分析:画线部分which…does seem to be based on an unrealistic optimism about the nature of the zoo industry 是关系代词which 引导的非限定性的定语从句,which 的先行词是The World Zoo Conservation Strategy,which 在该定语从句里担任谓语does seem 的主语。<br>译文:该项承诺目前已经明确地规定在“世界动物园保护战略” (WZCS, 1993 年9 月)里,该战略—— 尽管是一个重要的、受欢迎的文件—— 却又的确依据的是对动物园行业本质不现实的乐观主义。<br>005 The WZCS estimates that there are about 10,000 zoos in the world, of which around 1,000 represent a core of quality collections capable of participating in co-ordinated conservation programmes.( 《剑1》第22 页)<br>分析:画线部分…of which around 1,000 represent a core of quality collections capable of participating in co-ordinated conservation programmes 是关系代词which 引导的非限定性的定语从句,which 的先行词是10,000 zoos,which 在该定语从句担任介词of 的宾语。<br>译文:WZCS(世界动物园保护战略)估计,全世界约有10 000 个动物园,其中约1 000 个拥有优质的动物收养的核心能力,能够参与协调一致的动物保护计划。<br>006 … and in the UK the Federation of Zoological Gardens of Great Britain and Ireland has occasionally had members that have been roundly censured in the national press.(《剑1》第22页)<br>分析:画线部分…that have been roundly censured in the national press 是关系代词that引导的限定性定语从句,that 的先行词是members,that 在该定语从句里担任谓语have<br>been censured 的主语。<br>译文:在英国,大不列颠及爱尔兰动物园联盟有时拥有备受国家新闻界责难的成员。<br>007 The situation is even worse in developing countries where little money is available for redevelopment…(《剑1》第22 页)<br>分析:画线部分where little money is available for redevelopment 是关系副词where 引导的限定性定语从句,where 代替的是in developing countries, where 可以用in which 代替。<br>译文:情况在发展中国家更糟糕,那里没有钱用于再发展。<br>008 This seems an extremely optimistic proposition from a man who must be aware of the failings and weaknesses of the zoo industry—the man who, when a member of the council of London Zoo, had to persuade the zoo to devote more of its activities to conservation.( 《剑1》第23 页)<br>分析: 第一个画线部分who must be aware of the failings and weaknesses of the zoo industry 是关系代词who 引导的限定性定语从句,who 的先行词是a man,who 在该定语从句里担任谓语must be aware 的主语。第二个画线部分who had to persuade the zoo to devote more of its activities to conservation 是关系代词who 引导的限定性定语从句,who 的先行词是the man,who 在该定语从句里担任谓语had to persuade 的主语。<br>译文:这似乎是某个人的极端乐观的主张,他一定深知动物园界的诸多失败和不足,他在作为伦敦动物园协会成员的时候还不得不说服该动物园更多地投身于动物保护。<br>009 These were stripped of unnecessary decoration that would detract from their primary purpose—to be used or lived in.( 《剑1》第26 页)<br>分析:画线部分that would detract from their primary purpose—to be used or lived in 是关系代词that 引导的限定性定语从句,that 的先行词是decoration,that 在该定语从句里担任谓语would detract 的主语。<br>译文:这些建筑物都被取消了不必要的装饰,这些装饰脱离了建筑物的基本目的——供人使用和居住。<br>010 Walter Gropius, Charles Jeanneret (better known as Le Corbusier) and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe were among the most influential of the many architects who contributed to the development of Modernism in the first half of the century.( 《剑1》第26 页)<br>分析:画线部分who contributed to the development of Modernism in the first half of the century 是关系代词who 引导的限定性定语从句,who 的先行词是many architects,who 在该定语从句里担任谓语动词contributed 的主语。<br>译文:沃尔特&#8226; 格罗皮斯、查尔斯&#8226; 让纳雷(另一个更熟悉的名字叫勒&#8226; 柯布西耶)<br>和路德唯希&#8226; 米斯&#8226; 冯德罗是众多建筑师中最有影响的人物,他们在本世纪上半叶为现代<br>主义的发展作出了贡献。<br><br>…………<br><br><br>
句式一  含有经典定语从句的句子一、什么是经典定语从句(一)关系代词作主语的定语从句(二)关系代词作宾语的定语从句(三)关系代词作表语的定语从句(四)There be结构里的后置定语和定语从句(五)可以用作状语的定语从句(六)善用非限定性定语从句,避免重复,使句子紧凑(七)as引导的定语从句--高度灵活和具有广泛代表性的手段二、《剑1》到《剑7》同类句式及其分析句式二  定语从句移离中心词的句子一、什么是定语从句移离中心词二、《剑1》到《剑7》同类句式及其分析句式三  短语作后置定语代替定语从句的句子一、什么是短语作后置定语代替定语从句(一)什么是前置定语(二)什么是后置定语--高级英语的必备手段二、《剑1》到《剑7》同类句式及其分析句式四  含有经典状语从句的句子一、什么是经典的状语从句二、《剑1》到《剑7》同类句式及其分析句式五  非谓语动词结构代替状语的句子一、什么是非谓语动词结构代替状语(一)现在分词结构代替状语(二)过去分词结构代替状语从句二、《剑1》到《剑7》同类句式及其分析句式六  形容词结构代替状语的句子一、什么是形容词结构代替状语二、《剑1》到《剑7》同类句式及其分析句式七  独立主格结构代替状语的句子一、什么是独立主格代替状语(一)常见用法(二)with引导的独立主格二、《剑1》到《剑7》同类句式及其分析句式八  含有"by+动名词结构作状语"的句子一、什么是"by+动名词结构作状语二、《剑1》到《剑7》同类句式及其分析句式九  含有同位语的句子一、什么是同位语和同位语从句二、《剑1》到《剑7》同类句式及其分析句式十  含有强调句式的句子一、什么是强调句式(一)it be+被强调的部分(单词、词组或句子)+that/when/why+句子(二)it be+代词、名词或形容词+that(who/whom/which/whose)+句子(三)句尾的强调(四)句首的强调(五)特殊疑问句里的强调(六)不能用强调句式的成分二、《剑1》到《剑7》同类句式及其分析句式十一  含有插入语的句子一、什么是插入语(一)插入语的使用形式(二)插入语在句子中的位置二、《剑1》到《剑7》同类句式及其分析句式十二  含有倒装结构的句子一、什么是倒装句式(一)语法性倒装(二)修辞性倒装二、《剑1》到《剑7》同类句式及其分析附录一、"顿悟"--英汉的根本区别是什么(一)英汉思维方式不同对两种语言的影响(二)英汉主要区别二、什么是英语句子的"倒金字塔层次二、英语句子的灵魂--"变四、一篇《剑3》(第15页)文章里的句式分析五、一举四得的练习--缩写及缩写示例六、《剑1》到《剑7》共84篇阅读文章主题索引后记

