为什么引用轶事有用?<br> 很简单,我们喜欢听有趣的故事。没有人知道为什么,但是我们就是喜欢听。当然我们喜欢把故事联系起来,并从中学到点什么,经常我们还会与故事中的人物产生共鸣。<br> 如果你选择在文章中使用一个短小的轶事(你应该仔细考虑这个问题),这个轶事就要能吸引读者的兴趣,让读者感同身受;还要能使你的文章更生动个性,让读者读后欲罢不能。<br> 但是轶事也需可信。因为轶事是“真实”的故事,所以它们实际上是很有说服力的,也可以增加文章的可信度。<br> 下面有几对例子可以做下比较,看看轶事是怎样抓住读者眼球的。<br> Example One:<br> 1 was SO nervous before riding my first roller coaster.<br> The sun beamed down.scorching hot.My palms sweated furiously.I tipped my toes and counted,“One.Two.”There were only a mere two people in front of me before I had to face the wrath of the Raging Bull:my first roller coaster ride.I jumped as someone tapped my shoulder.It was now my turn.<br> 点评:第二点显然更有趣。这个学生描述了当时的天气和周围的环境,读者从中完全可以想象出他/她的经历,整个段落也更为可信。此外,这个学生并没有只是说他/她很紧张,而是通过描述像手冒汗这样的体征表现出来。<br> Example Two:<br> I wiped the thin layer of dust that rested upon the wooden case’s aged paint.The rusted hinges creaked as I carefully and carefully opened case as not to break it.As it opened,the case revealed several black and white photographs of my grandparents that were taken over 60 years ago.<br> I open my family’s old photo album case.<br> 点评:第一点更好,因为这个学生描写了被打开的这个箱子的状态(比如合叶,铁锈等)。另外,他还具体说明了里面是什么,是谁的.有多古老等。具体给出数字、日期以及人物都为作者的描述增加了可信度。<br> Example Three:<br> When I trained for my first marathon it was difficult and often painful.But 1 wanted to have the accomplishment of running 26.2 miles so I did it anyway.To make progress in life requires sacrifice.<br> I trained really hard for my marathon.<br> 点评:尽管这则轶事较短,但仍清楚地告诉读者他/她训练的目的。比如很多人可能都不知道马拉松是26.2英里,所以这就是一个绝佳的抓住读者眼球的机会,可以借机在此插入理解文章所需要的零散的背景知识。<br> ……