(After they finish drinking, all the people settle down to the meal. However, before they start, Wang Hua asked Mr. Guiberson what he would like to use to have his meal.)
W: Which do you prefer? Chopsticks or knives and forks?
G: When in Rome do as the Romans do. I would like to try the chopsticks, but l am not sum if I can manage them. Would you please show me how to use them?
W: It is my pleasure. Let me show you. Just hold them in your right hand like this. Put both sticks between your thumb and your forefinger. See, just like this.
G: I see. Am I doing fight?
W: Yes, quite fight. Use thumb, the forefinger and the middle finger to hold one of the chopsticks.
G: What shall I do next?
W: Try to keep one still and make the other move, making them work like pincers. Move it back and forth.
G: Is it like this?
Z: You are learning very fast. Practice makes perfect.
G: I am so glad that I can enjoy a Chinese dinner with chopsticks.