Unit 1 Introduction: Reading the Short Story to Discover Meaning
Anton Chekhov, "A Wicked Boy"
Unit 2 Desire
Frank O'Connor, "My Oedipus Complex"
Katherine Mansfield, "Feuille d'Album"
Unit 3 Man and Woman
John Collier, "The Chaser'
Unit 4 Marriage and Family
Kate Chopin, "The Story of an Hour"
John Updike, "Unstuck"
Unit 5 Capital and Commodity
Max Shulman, "Love Is a Fallacy"
Mark Twain, "The £1,000,000 Bank-Note"
D. H. Lawrence, "The Rocking-Horse Winner"
Unit 6 Society and Tradition
James Joyce, "The Boarding House"
William E. Barrett, "Senor Payroll"
Shirley Jackson, "The Lottery"
Unit 7 Racial Conflict
Somerset Maugham, "Mr. Know-All"
Unit 8 Reality and Representation
O. Henry, "The Last Leaf"
Milos Macourek, "Jacob's Chicken"
Julio Cortazar, "Continuity of Parks"
Unit 9 Man vs. Nature
Jack London, "To Build a Fire"
Websites for Critical Theory