(5) Instead, we have witnessed that in thisextensive rescue operation the Chinese govern-ment did not just ride on the national rally butactively responded to its citizens spontaneousdemands and actions. Hundreds of journalistsrushed to the disaster areas from all over thecountry and delivered 24-hour live coverage ofthe rescue operation, and the people in Chinaand the whole world were instantly informed ofthe situation. While the entire nation mobilizeditself in the rescue efforts, decision-making andcoordination were transparent.
(6) When nation-wide support pouredinto the rescue efforts, decisive actions takenby the Chinese leaders and the crucial roleplayed by government officials and the PLAsoldiers have won them peoples support andadmiration. When millions of citizens, fromcollege students to athletes and movie starsand from workers to entrepreneurs, stoodon queues to donate money and blood, thegovernment vowed —— and took action —— toeliminate corruption in rescue-relief operationsand reconstruction.
Reading makes a full;conference a ready man;and writing and exact man.
——Francis Baco(培根,英国哲学家、作家和科学家)
Clear thinking makes clear writing.
——John Langan(《美国打血英语写作》畅销书作者)