Hour1 考官是如何评分的?
Hour2 大作文题型有什么规律
Hour3 如何破解思路之事实观点?
Hour4 如何破解思路之因果关系?
Hour5 如何破解思路之两派争议?
Hour6 如何破解思路之报告分析?
Hour7 如何在2分钟内产生思路?
Hour8 怎样议论才最具说服力?
Hour9 怎样布局才能拿高分?
Hour10 怎样的首段最吸引考官?
Hour11 怎样写主体段才富有逻辑性?
Hour12 怎样的结尾极富内涵?
Hour13 用词不当怎么练?
Hour14 句型单一怎么练?
Hour15 如何在40分钟内完成250字?
Hour16 考前如何练习大作文最有效?
Hour17 临场发挥不出来怎么克服?
B00k Outline
Insight into official marking criteria
In—depth analyze official sample essay
Trouble—shoot frequent obstacles in Chinglish context
Focus on strategic brainstorming,logic reasoning and related techniques
Combine brain—dump questions where various writing tips are applicable Teaching Concept.
Step—by—step easy learning process
Tutorial—based coaching method in terms of interaction
Self—paced study strategies
Handy reference for intensive training on a hourly basis
Learning Experience
Go beyond conventional learning approaches mentally and tactically
Challenge students potential to the maximum
Enhance comprehension and application of sentence structure and key vocabulary
Employ statistical feedback for self—adjustment and fine—tuning