The 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. Since it is the FIRST time our COUNTRY will be hosting a sports event of THIS scale, it is naturalTHAT there has been a HIGH level of concern and campaign.Over the past few years, the NATIONS capital has SEEN greatimprovements in public transport, a CLEANer environment, LOWercrime rates, and many other GOOD things. Im DEAD-set6 onGOing there to WATCH some of the games myself. SPEAKING ofthe general election in your COUNTRY, whom will you vote for? Iguess George W. Bush will be OUT, but who will be IN? Now youhave a wman Secretary of STATE, is it likely to have a woman asyour NEXT President? Does Hilary Clinton stand a GOOD chance?Do you consider yourself to be LEFT or RIGHT politically?
Yes, I think the Beijing Olympics is a BIG and wonderful event.Ive never been to an Olympics, but I always WATCH them ONtelevision. I think THIS type of competition is CLEARly the kind ofcompetition that COUNTRIES should promote. The world needs toEND all its negative forms of competition and BEGIN focusing ONthose that are positive. I think its never too LATE to make a changefor the better. I hope you can GO and WATCH some of the events.I guess, politically, I lean to the LEFT, but when it COMES toincome taxes, Im ON the FAR RIGHTT! THIS is our second female Secretary of STATE! She wasnt elected; she was appointed. I thinkthe American people would have never elected her, and I dont think they will elect Hilary either, but I could be wrong. The candidates I m interested in are probably all LONG shots.