Roots like "scope" or "spect" denote the meaning of "to look" or "tosee". The prefix "horo" of horoscope refers to the aspect of stars at a givenhour or moment. One meaning of horoscope is associated with an astrologicalforecast of a persons future, based on an observation of the aspect of stars ata given moment.
The root "circum" has the meaning of "around", as in the word "circum-stance" and "circumspect". If someone is circumspect in doing something,we can imagine he/she might keep looking around to make sure he/she is safeto do that. Therefore, it indicates that people are heedful of circumstances andpotential consequences. Speculation (specu + lation) means meditation orengagement in risky transactions. Speculators, those who engage in specula.tlon, buy or sell for changes in price alone on the chance of quick profit. Itsreported recently that China bans universities from speculation in stocks andbonds.