offer-only until orders are matched.委比失衡股票交易中指委托买和卖的指令数量相差非常大。如果买和卖的指令不平衡,股票可能会出现单边买方价格或单边卖方价格。
International Monetary Fund.Organisation financed largely by industrialised countries that provides funds(often with strict policy conditions)to countries with debt or balalice of payments difficulties.Set up under the Bretton Woods Agreement.国际货币基金组织 主要由一些工业国资助的一个组织,它为负有债务或存在国际收支问题的国家提供资金(政策限制通常很严)。由国际货币基金组织根据《布雷顿森林协定》成立。impaired assets Assets whose current esti-mated value is below tbat at which they were purchased,not because ofnormal depreciation but due to other factors.One example would be ifa company owned part of the capital of a joint venture which is experiencing financial difficulties.Faced with the fact that the value of its investment has substantially declined,the company may decide to book a provision in its proft and loss account to reflect the asset impairment.
impaired credit Adrop in a companys credit rating.信用受损 指公司信用评级的下降。
impairment资产减损See参见IMPAIRED ASSETS.imperfect competition When there are barri- ers to the flow of information and resources in a particular market preventing a state of perfect competition.A market in which conditions of imperfect competition exist is called all imper- feetmarket.不完全自由竞争指某一市场信 息和资源流动不顺畅,阻碍了完全的竞争。 不完全自由竞争的市场称不完全市场。