Do you know any of these people——Linda Campbell, Bob Morris,Charles Hubbard, and Selma Tree?
They are your fellow employees, and they have two things incommon. They were recently promoted, and they have all beenparticipants in our Career Support Program.
As you may know, the Career Support Program is MaxwellPetroleums way of helping you develop professionally. It offersyou the opportunity to participate in continuing education coursesand have Maxwell Petroleum pay all the costs, including tuition,fees, and books.
All you need to do is (1) to follow a curriculum designed to helpyou in your work and (2) to satisfactorily meet courserequirements (a grade of C or better). Its as simple as that,Maxwell pays. You study. You learn. And you benefitprofessionally——maybe through a promotion.
Id like to tell you more about how the Career Support Programcan help you. Just drop by my office (21A, Human ResourcesDepartment) any time during the workday. Ill give you thedetails. Although I wont be able to promise you a promotion, Iwill promise to help you grow professionally.