What Are the SAT Subject Tests?
The SAT Subject Tests (formerly called the Achievement Tests) are a series of college entrance tests that cover specific academic subject areas. Like the better-known SAT Reasoning Test, which measures general verbal and math skills, the SAT Subject Tests are given by the College Entrance Examination Board. Colleges and universities often require applicants to take one or more SAT Subject Tests along with the SAT Reasoning Test.
SAT Subject Tests are generally not as difficult as Advanced Placement tests, but they may cover more than is taught in basic high school courses.Students usually take an SAT Subject Test after completing an Advanced Placement course or an Honors course in the subject area.How Do I Know if I Need to Take SAT Subject Tests?Review the admissions requirements of the colleges to which you plan to apply. Each college will have its own requirements. Many colleges require that you take a minimum number of SAT Subject Tests-usually one or two.Some require that :you take SAT Subject Tests in specific subjects. Some may not require SAT Subject Test scores at all.
When Are SAT Subject Tests Given, and How Do I Register for Them?
SAT Subject Tests are usually given on six weekend dates spread throughout the academic year. These dates are usually the same ones on which the SAT Reasoning Test is given. To find out the test dates, visit the College Board website at www.collegeboard.com. You can also register for a test at the website. Click on the tabs marked "students" and follow the directions you are given. You will need to use a credit card if you register online. As an alternative, you can register for SAT Subject Tests by mail using the registration form in the SAT Registration Bulletin, which should be available from your high school guidance counselor.
How Many SAT Subject Tests Should I Take?
You can take as many SAT Subject Tests as you wish,According to the College Board, more than one-half of all SAT Subject Test takers take three tests,and about one-quarter take four or more tests. Keep in mind, however, that you can take only three tests on a single day. If you want to take more than three tests, you will need to take the others on a different testing date. When deciding how many SAT Subject Tests to take, base your decision on the requirements of the colleges to which you plan to apply. It is probably not a good idea to take many more SAT Subject Tests than you need. You will probably do better by focusing only on those your preferred colleges require.