There is an English proverb that states, "Every rule has exception. " The majority-ingovernment as any other rules in human communities in the history of human life is a rela-tive standard. For instance, it is opposite to the rule of minority-in government. Betweenmajority-in government and minority-in government, so far to human being it has beenproved that the majority-in government is a better solution to protest the interests of majorityeven though it doesnt mean the majority are right in terms of sciences or in the long term ofinterests for the majority themselves. However, the majority-in government is h two-edgeweapon for human beings as we Will see in the following three examples in our political are-na and daily lives.
In 2003, most of Americans believed Iraq had possessed the MDW and intended to useit at any moment as presented by their president Bush. According to the majority-in govern-ment, Mr. Bush, as a president elected by majority American, represented them giving the"go ahead" command to invade Iraq even under serious rebuking from 40% minority Amer-icans. Three years pasted and no a slice of MDW found in that living hell bombed on dailybases. Today, more than two thousands American soldiers have been killed and countlesslocal people lost. The worst thing is that the war is still going on and will have more Ameri-can blood drained into the desert to official reports.