第一篇 产业竞争力
摘 要 在日本对中国直接投资中,电机制造业所占的比重极大。中国日资电机制造业把“当地市场与海外市场同时发展战略”作为对中国的直接投资的基本战略。这表明该领域的激烈竞争状况,而其中的主要竞争对手是中国的“日资企业”。M E.波特认为5个竞争要素中最重要的要素是“同行业的敌对关系”。
ABSTRACT The proportion of electric manufacturing industry was very large in Japanese direct investments in China.Japanese electric manufacturing industry in China regards“strategies develop simultaneously in local markets and overseas markets”as a basic strategy of the direct investment in China.It indicated that there are sharp conflicts in the field.and“Japanese Affiliates”in China are the main competitive adversaries among others.Michael E.Porter holds that an adversary relationship of the same trade is the most important factor in five competitive factors.
Key Words Michael E.Porter;competitive strategy;competitive advan—tage;competitive factors;Japanese electric manufacturing industry
引 言
经营学所讲的经营战略(business strategy)源于军事战略(military strate—gy)。经营战略受军事战略影响而形成概念。原本的战略(strategy)一词出自希腊语的Strategyos。军事意义上的战略意为“战争的综合准备、计划和运用的方针”。与战略相对的战术是“根据战略而采用的战斗的实践方法”。战略是长期的和全局的方针,而战术是短期的和局部的方式。