When the phone rang she picked it up and Icould tell right away it wasn't good news, I knewKim had a boyfriend back home and I could tellfrom her end of the conversation that he wasbreaking up with her. Though I didn't mean for itto happen, I could feel the warm feelings ofempathy rising up in my heart. Losing a boyfriendwas something no girl should go through alone. I sat up in my bed. Kim wouldn't look at meand when she hung up the phone she quicklycrawled under her covers and I could hear herquiet sobbing. What to do? I didn't want to justwalk over (I was still a little miffed) but I didn'twant to leave her either. I smiled as I got theidea.<br> Slowly, I began to clear up my side of theroom. I took back the book I had set on her deskand I cleaned up the socks and the shirts. I putsome pencils in my pencil holder and made mybed. I straightened the dresser top (but not thedrawers--I had my limits!) and swept the floor,even on her side. I got so into my work that Ididn't even notice that Kim had come out fromunder the covers. She was watching my everymove, her tears dried and her expression one ofdisbelief. When I was finally done I went and satat the end of her bed. Not really saying anythingbut just sitting. I guess I didn't know what to say.<br> ……