No doubt, the temptation offered by the art market can also promote institutional laziness. Why come up with other ways to raise money when whatever paintings you have in hand are a potential and easily accessed gold mine? Jock Reynolds, director of the Yale University Art Gallery, says Fisk could have explored other ways to keep or share the entire collection and still make some money from it. "Why not look into co-ownership with Mrs. Walton?" he asks. "Or they could offer the collection under some kind of partnership arrangement to another historically black university." But in today's market, it will always be tempting to cash out. In March, just as Philadelphia was congratulating itself for managing to keep The Gross Clinic at home, Jefferson University dropped the other shoe. It abruptly announced it would also be selling its two remaining Eakinses, both of them portraits of 19th century physicians who were once on the school's faculty. The weary and tapped-out locals have made no significant move to save those.
1 海到无涯天作岸
2 谁扼杀了爱情故事
3 阅读的激情
4 女性对艺术的贡献
5 牛市的写照
6 非永恒的收藏品
7 为什么“哈利·波特”成了哈利·安东尼
8 玩具男孩
9 文化的行礼
10 灿烂,却不真实
11 感情这东西
12 面具后的狂人
13 小物件的玩家
14 讲述内心世界
15 两个世纪的成见
16 静静的流水旁
17 丢弃的画笔
18 两个情景喜剧的神话
19 黄金时段销售
20 64岁的男子
21 美国之最
22 蜘蛛侠变敏感了
23 品味皮克斯的《料理鼠王》
24 书痴
25 残酷的民族,极致的美丽