Chapter 1 Geography and ecological environment
1.1 Overview: An old continent and a unique environment
1.1.1 Geographical features
1.1.2 Rive and lakes
1.1.3 The climate
1.1.4 States and territories
1.1.5 Ecological environment
1.2 Reading passage: Australian lungfish,Neocreatodus Foteri,threatened by a new dam
Chapter 2 The Aborigines and Australian history
2.1 Overview
2.1.1 The earliest Australian history and cultural heritage
2.1.2 From British colony to an independent nation
2.2 Reading passage: War and national survival
Chapter 3 Politics and economics
3.1 Overview
3.1.1 Australian politics: A British past and an Asian future
3.1.2 Australian economics: From a country riding on the sheeps‘back to a stable and competitive economy
3.2 Reading passage: Getting a grip on bonecrushe
Chapter 4 Education and globalization of Australia’s higher education
4.1 Overview: A well-developed system with high quality
4.1.1 The primary and secondary education
4.1.2 The higher education (Tertiary education)
4.1.3 International students
4.2 Reading passage: Globalization and Australia‘s higher education
Chapter 5 Mass media and film industry
5.1 Overview: Vigorous development and free expression
5. 1. 1 Newspaper
5.1.2 Television
5.1.3 Film industry
5.2 Reading passage: Creative nation- approaching Australian cinema and cultural studies
Chapter 6 Multiculturalism
6.1 Overview: A cohesive and divee country
6.1.1 Australian multiculturalism
6.1.2 The historical progress of multiculturalism
6.2 Reading passage 1: Is Australia a multicultural nation?
Reading passage 2: Cultural attitudes and Aussie communicative style
Chapter 7 Literature
7.1 Overview: From the bush myth to international recognition
7.1.1 The period of colonialism (1788--1888)
7.1.2 The period of nationalism (1889--1913)
7.1.3 The period of the world wa (1914--1945)
7.1.4 The contemporary period (1946--now)
7.2 Reading passage: The drover’s wife
Chapter 8 Recreatio and sports
8.1 Overview: The recreational society and a sporting life
8.1.1 Australian national public holidays
8.1.2 A sporting life
8.2 Reading passage: A brief historical overview of sport and recreation
Keys to Exercises