Since that initial pain one week ago she has had 2 additional episodes of pain,similar in quality and location to the first episode.Three days ago she had a 15 minute episode of pain while walking her dog,which resolved with rest.This evening she had an episode of pain awaken her from sleep,lasting 30 minutes,which prompted her visit to the Emergency Department.At no time has she attempted any specific measures to relieve her pain,other than rest.She describes no other associated symptoms during these episodes of pain,including dizziness,or palpitations(心悸).She becomes short of breath during these episodes but describes no other exertional dyspnea,orthopnea(端坐呼吸),or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea(阵发性夜间呼吸困难).No change in the pain with movement,no association with food,no GERD SX(胃食管返流病症状或体征),no palpable pain.
She has never been told she has heart problems,never had any chest pains before,does not have claudication(间歇性跛行).She was:diagnod with HTN(高血压)3 years ago,She does not smoke nor does she have diabetes.She was diagnosed with hypertension 3 years ago and had a TAH(经腹子宫全切)with BSO(双侧输卵管卵巢切除)6 years ago.She is not on hormone replacement therapy(激素替代治疗).There is a family history of premature CAD (早发冠心病).She does not know her cholesterol level(胆固醇水平).