一 会展名称MICE Names
二 展会行业MICE Industrial Categories
三 会展立项MICE Initiation and Planning
四 会展人员机构MICE Organizations and Personnel
五 会展场馆设计施工MICE Venues and Sites VS MICE Design and Construction
六 会展展品物流MICE Exhibits and Logistics
七 会展广告宣传MICE Media and Publicity
八 会展成本费用MICE Costs and Expenses
九 会展出入国境MICE Departure and Arrival
十 会展酒店房间MICE Hotel and Hospitality
十一 会展餐饮服务MICE Foods and Drinks
十二 会展旅游观光MICE Tourism and Sightseeing
十三 会展医疗事务MICE Pharmacy and Hospital
十四 会展关联网站MICE Related Websites
汉英索引Chinese—English Index
英汉索引English-Chinese Index