很多道德学者指出,骄傲是人类所有恶习中影响力最为广泛的。它的表现形式繁杂多样,隐藏方式也多种多样,就如同天边月儿晶莹透明的面纱,伪装既有光彩之处又有隐晦之所,虽然遮盖但亦可一眼望穿。<br> 诚然,我无意降低骄傲的危害程度,但不知道懒散是否会成为它的强敌。<br> 然而有些人高声赞叹懒散是高雅之事,以“闲散之士”自居,正如布西里斯在剧中自称为“骄傲之士”一样,他们炫耀自己无须做事,感谢命运之神没有给他们安排事情。他们每晚睡觉睡到自然醒,起床活动活动也只是为了以后更好地入睡。为了延长黑夜的主宰,他们拉起厚厚的双层窗帘,终日不见阳光,除了“告诉他,他们十分憎恶他的光芒”。不断地变换享受的姿势就是他们所有的劳动。对他们而言,昼夜的分别就在于长沙发、椅子与床的不同。<br> 他们是一群真正的并且公开的懒散女神崇拜者。女神为他们编织罂粟花环,把遗忘水倒进他们的杯子里。他们生活在平静的愚蠢状态中,忘记了别人,别人也忘记了他们。他们的生活早就停止了,等到他们死了,生者只能说,他们停止了呼吸。<br> 但是懒散在不经意间控制着大多数人的生活。因为这种恶习仅限于懒散者自身,不会危及他人。所以人们不会将它等同于欺诈和骄傲;欺诈危及财产安全,骄傲自然也会伤害他人的自尊。懒散具有一种平和静默的本质,不会因为炫耀而招来嫉妒,也不会因抗衡遭受怨恨,所以没有人忙于理会或刺探它。正如骄傲有时藏在谦恭之下一样,懒散通常为紊乱和匆忙所遮掩。一个人疏忽了自己明明知道的职责和真正的工作,自然会尽力去想一些让自己忘却自己愚蠢的事,然后努力地去做一些不是他职责范围内的事,只有这样才能保持自我欣赏。<br> ……只是,一味地忙于找工具的工匠是无法做出什么成就的。一位绘画大师曾告诫过我,只是对铅笔和颜料充满好奇的人,是不能将画画好的。<br> 另外有些人将懒散看成一种权宜之计,他们认为懒散可能使人一生碌碌无为,但它可以使生活不是那么地百无聊赖,没有空闲时间的沉闷。<br> Many moralists have remarked, that Pride has of all human vices the widest dominion, appears in the greatest multiplicity of forms, and lies hid under the greatest variety of disguises; of disguises, which, like the moon s veil of brightness, are both its luster and its shade, and betray it to others, though they hide it from ourselves.<br> It is not my intention to degrade Pride from this preeminence of mischief, yet I know not whether Idleness may not maintain a very doubtful and obstinate competition.<br> There are some that profess Idleness in its full dignity, who call themselves the Idle, as Busiris in the play"calls himself the Proud"; who boast that they do nothing, and thank their stars that they have nothing to do; who sleep every night till they can sleep no longer, and rise only that exercise may enable them to sleep again; who prolong the reign of darkness by double curtains, and never see the sun but to "tell him how they hate his beams"; whose whole labor is to vary the postures of indulgence, and whose day differs from their night but as a couch or chair differs from a bed.<br> These are the true and open votaries of Idleness, for whom she weaves the garlands of poppies, and into whose cup she pours the waters of oblivion; who exist in a state of unrrffled stupidity, forgetting and forgotten; who have long ceased to live, and at whose death the survivors can only say, that they have ceased to breathe.<br> But Idleness predominates in many lives where it is not suspected; for being a vice which terminates in itself, it may be enjoyed without injury to others; and is therefore not watched like Fraud, which endangers property, or like Pride, which naturally seeks its gratifications in anothers inferiority.