The Universe at Our Fingertips
A Long-Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) was deployed(部署)by the space shuttle in April1984. It carried 50 experiments into space and was brought back to Earth in 1985 for analysis. Dataderived from these experiments will document the effect of long-term space exposure on variousmaterials and components.
If you're interested in applying your skill to our Aeronautics and Space Technology Programs,you'll want to take a closer look at NASA's Ames, Langley, and Lewis Research Centers.Space Science and Application.
Through the diverse research programs of our Office of Space Science and Applications,NASA has greatly expanded our knowledge of the universe and the solar system; demonstrated theusefulness of space in observing Earth's weather, oceans, and resources; promote the developmentof our country's satellite communications industry; and developed technology to promote humanproductivity in space.
The Space Science and Applications Program is responsible for scientific research into the origin and evolution of the universe and for applying space systems and techniques to solveeveryday problems on Earth. The research includes observation of the distant universe, explorationof the near universe, and characterization of the Earth and its environment. The applications workaddresses the life sciences, improved satellite communications, and the behavior of materials duringprocessing in microgravity, and it expands knowledge of Earth and its environment.