Translation and the Establishment of Liberal Democracy in Nineteenth-Century England: Constructing the Political as an Interpretive Act
The Translation of the Treaty of Waitangi: A Case of Disempowerment
The Empire Talks Back: Orality, Heteronomy, and the Cultural Turn in Interpretation Studies
Writing, Interpreting, and the Power Struggle for the Control of Meaning: Scenes from Kafka, Borges, and Kosztolfinai
Translation as Testimony: On Official Histories and Subversive Pedagogies in Cortfizar
Translating Woman: Victoria Ocampo and the Empires of Foreign Fascination
Germaine de Stall and Gayatri Spivak: Culture Brokers Spanish Film Translation and Cultural Patronage: The Filtering and Manipulation of Imported Material during
Francos Dictatorship
Translation as a Catalyst for Social Change in China
Translation, Dipaysement, and Their Figuration
Translation, Poststructuralism, and Power