“EU State Aid Control:A Model for China to Manage Subsidy
Fully Estimates the Dual Character of European Union Policy Towards
China——Analyzes the New Document of European Union’S Policy
Towards China(充分估计欧盟对华政策的两面性——析欧盟对华政策
The EU Competition and Trade Policy Towards the People’S Republic
and Its Impact on EU-China Relations————An Overview
The Success Experience of European Integration to the Enlightenment
Asian Region Economic Cooperation(欧洲一体化的成功经验对亚洲
European Integration Trends in Five Decades:The EU in Continuous
Search of Adaption and New Relations 1947~2007
European,National and Regional Identities
Europe and Its Interests in Asia
China,European Union and Global Security Governance:Reforming
the United Nations’Security Council
European Model of Unified Control on Transnational Mergers(统一规
Policy Goal and Effects of European Community’s Anti—dumping
Against China(欧盟对华反倾销政策目标与效果的错位分析)
European Governance and Multi-polarization of the World(欧盟治理与世界多极化)
ASEM:Problems in the Evolvement and Important Fields in the
Future Development(亚欧会议合作进程中的问题及未来发展重点)
External Governance and Geopolitics~Eastern Enlargement of the EU
Partners for Effective Global Governance?
Vittorio Emanuele Parsi Western Solidarity at the Test of the Middle
Eastern Crisis
Maintaining International Financial Stability,The Euro’S Role as Key
International Currency