Whats in a Name?
Work in small groups. Discuss the questions below.
1. Look at the pictures. Can you match the people in the pictures with their descriptions? Check your answers at the bottom of page 7.
____ He was the author of a novel about World War I. His last name was Kramer, but he used the French-sounding pen name, Erich Maria Remarque. (Remarque sounds like Kramer spelled backwards.)
____ He was a famous jazz musician called "Satchel Mouth" because his cheeks got big and looked like a satchel, or bag, when he played his instrument. His nickname became "Satchmo."
____ This female writer published novels under the name George Eliot. She used a mans name to make her books sell better.
2. Almost all names have a meaning. Do you know what your first name means?
What is the history of your family name?