Topic Previe
Work in small groups. Discuss the questions below.
1. Look at the picture. What happened to this person? Why is he happy?
2. How happy are you today——very happy, a little happy, or unhappy? Why?
3. What are three things that make you feel happy?
The boldfaced words below are from a lecture about happiness. Read each sentence. Circle the letter of the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the boldfaced word.
1. If you want to acbieve in school, you have to work hard.
To acbieve means to __ something.
a. succeed at
b. not do
c. think about
2. Im very tall, so people always assume that I play basketball. Actually, I hate basketball and never play it.
To assume something means to____.
a. cell the truth about something
b. ask a question about something
c. think that something is true