most continue until they are 18 years old, when they sit the University Entranceexam if they want to enter university. An increasing number of both boys and girlsgo on to tertiary education after that, although tertiary studies are optional, of course.Theres a wide range of tertiary institutions to study at-universities and polytechnics,of course, and there are teachers colleges and lots of private colleges too.It used to be the case that you could only study for a BA or BSc at a university, butpolytechnics now offer a number of bachelor level degree programmes, as well asdiplomas and certificates. But to do a post-graduate course you still have to enrol ata university-polytechnics dont offer masters or Ph.D. programmes. Instead, theyoffer a range of lower level qualifications - certificates and diplomas, especially invocational subjects such as cooking, computing, mechanical engineering and so on.