Man:Yes l’m looking for an apartment I’d like two bedrooms
Agent:All right Have a seat,please Let me ask you a few questions. First of all,may I have your name,plesae?
Man:My name’s Donald Eakins.
Agent:How do you spell your last name,Mr. Eakins?
Man:ll’s E-A-K-I-N-S.
Agent:E.A.K.I-N-S.First name:Donald And what’s your present address. Mr. Eakins?
Man:lt’s 1446 Pine Street
Agent:1 446 Pine That’s in San Francisco,isn’t it?
Agent:Do you have a phone?
Man:Yes.1t’s 285-9807.
Agent:285-9807 And could you tell me your occu- pation,please?
Man:I’m a sales clerk.
Agent:I see And the name of your employer?
Man:1 work for Liberty House Department Store in the Furniture Department.
Agent:Liberty House Department Store.Fine And youre looking for a two bedroom apartment?
Man:That’s right.
Agent:Could you wait just a minute,please?I’ll take a Iook at our files.
Robed So Sophie,how are our products selling?
Sophie BOard games are the big seller at the moment. They’re selling beer than ever before.
Robert Good,so you might be interested in having a bigger range of our board games then Sophie Yes,if there’s anything different.