There has been a steady increase in Hong Kong people visiting online shop-ping sites over the past years, according to the above graph. The number of In-ternet users who visited a shopping site increased by 40 % from about 500,000 inNovember 2000 to over 700,000 in November 2001.
I think that several factors contribute to the significant growth in the percentage of online purchasing over the year. First of all, the overall Internet userpopulation grew from 1.5 million to 1.86 million during the same period. Themore people get on line, the more of them will be attracted to shopping online.Secondly, with the rapid development of Internet technology, more shoppingsites are available. Thirdly, shopping online is convenient, It is not necessary todrive to a supermarket or a department store, push a cart, wander around, andfinally wait in a line to check out. Switch on the computer, log on to a shoppingwebsite, and then you will be presented with a bewildering selection of goods.You may take your time and enjoy your online shopping experience.
In the light of its convenience and other advantages, I believe, online shop-ping will go on flourishing.