Thinking it over, 1 decided that a jerk is basically a person without insight. He is not necessarily a fool or a dope, because some extremely clever persons can be jerks. In fact, it has little to do with intelligence as we commonly think of it ; it is, rather, a kind of subtle but persuasive aroma emanating from the inner part of the personality.
1 know a college president who can be described only as a jerk. He is not an unintelligent man, nor unlearned, nor even unschooled in the social amenities. Yet he is a jerk cum laude, because of a fated flaw in his nature —— he is totally incapable of looking into the mirror of his soul and shuddering at what he sees there.
A jerk, then, is a man (or woman) who is utterly unable to see himself as he appears to others. He has no grace, he is tactless without meaning to be, he is a bore even to his best friends, he is an e- gotist without charm. All of us are egotists to some extent, but most of us —— unlike the jerk —— are perfectly and horribly aware of it when we make asses of ourselves. The jerk never knows.
1. The ideas in this essay are organized according to which pattern of development in writing factualprose?
2. Main idea :_______________________________________________
3. Title :___________________________________________________
B. Outline the structure of Text A following the outline form used in Exercise A.
1. Main idea :_______________________________________________
2. Organization :___________________________________________
D. ___________________________________________________________
E. ___________________________________________________________
F. ___________________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________________
A ____________________________________________________________
B ____________________________________________________________
C ____________________________________________________________
D ____________________________________________________________
E ____________________________________________________________
F ____________________________________________________________
4) ___________________________________________________________
IV. Comprehension Quiz (Sentence Completion)
Directions; Complete the following sentences according to the passage you have just read.
1. In the waters of Baja , Mexico, would reproduce and care for
2. The five-year study of whales is sponsored by ; and last January's research team in-
3. Through collecting baseline information about whales the ultimate aim of the research is to
4. After whaling captain Charles Scammon's discovery of the entrance to Laguna Ojo de Liebre, nu-
merous whales suffered
5. The 1936 convention and 1974 IWC's prohibition of commercial whale hunting have contributed to
6. As gray whales are easily affected by many environmental changes caused by , two
major factors of concern are
7. From our camp situated near , we made weekly trips to town to
8. Our miscellaneous projects include
9. It proved to be very difficult to mark whales because
10. The value of our research work is that it can help and the