Chapter 2 On the laws of naturePrior to all these laws are the laws of nature, so namedbecause they derive their force uniquely from the constitution ofour being. To know them well, one must consider a man before theestablishment of societies. The laws he would receive in such astate will be the laws of nature.
The law that impresses on us the idea of a creator andthereby leads us toward him is the first of the natural laws inimportance, though not first in the order of these laws. A man inthe state of nature would have the faculty of knowing rather thanknowledge. It is clear that his first ideas would not bespeculative ones; he would think of the preservation of his beingbefore seeking the original of his being. Such a man would atfirst feel only his weak-ness ; his timidity would be extreme, andas for evidence, if it is needed on this point, sava-ges have beenfound in forests; everything makes them tremble, everything makesthem flee.
In this state, each feels himself inferior; he scarcely feelshimself an equal. Such men would not seek to attack one another,and peace would be the first natural law.
Hobbes gives men first the desire to subjugate one another,but this is not reasonable. The idea of empire and domination isso complex, and depends on so many other ideas, that it would notbe the one they would first have.
Hobbes asks, if men are not naturally in a state of war, whydo they always carry arms and why do they have keys to lock theirdoors? But one feels that what can happen to men only after theestablishment of societies, which induced them to find motives forattacking others and for defending themselves, is attributed tothem before that establishment.
Man would add the feeling of his needs to the feeling of hisweakness. Thus another natural law would be the one inspiring himto seek nourishment.
第二节 自然之法在上述规律产生之前就存在着的,是自然法。之所以称其为自然法是因为其法的力量完全来源于我们生命的本质。为了更深入地认识自然法,我们必须考察社会建立之前的人类。人类在这样一种状态下所接受的法则就是自然法。自然法把“造物主”这一概念植入我们的大脑里,引导我们归向他。这是自然法最重要的一条,尽管不是第一条。在自然状态下,人应该先有获得知识的能力,才可能真正获得知识。
I have said that fear would lead men to flee one another, butthe marks of mutual fear would soon persuade them to approach oneanother. They would also be so inclined by the pleasure one animalfeels at the approach of another animal of its kind. In addition,the charm that the two sexes inspire in each other by theirdifference would increase this pleas-ure, and the natural entreatythey always make to one another would be a third law.Beside feelings, which belongs to men from the outset, theyalso succeed in gaining knowledge; thus they have a second bond,which other animals do not have. Therefore,they have anothermotive for uniting, and the desire to live in society is a fourthnatural law. P26